Howe: Barta Bets on Ferentz with Another Large Contract Buyout

I don't have any problem with the raise, nor the length of the extension. However, when it comes to buyouts, Gary Barta is a moron.
The buyout is total BS! I also have an issue with 5 years. Once again Ferentz's agent bent Barta over like a Pulp Fiction character. Now we can have 4 crap seasons in a row again and have 0 real recourse. So 7 more years in all recruits know he won't be there to see them graduate. Perhaps a 2-3 year extension with a 2 to 3 option if both sides agree its in everyone's best interest. Barta doesn't know how to negotiate making an omelette.
I don't have any problem with the raise, nor the length of the extension. However, when it comes to buyouts, Gary Barta is a moron.

Agreed. Ferentz is worth his salary but that buyout is nuts. KF has now redoubled his grip on Iowa's proverbial nuts. If his performance drops off drastically in the years prior retirement, one can only hope that the next guy can make a baby out of the few swimmers remaining in Iowa-FB's got it....nuts.
The buyout is insane. Why would you let someone who wants to end his career at Iowa hold you over the coals like this? KF isn't going anywhere, don't let him hold the university hostage like that. I am as big of supporter of KF as anyone, but this is a results driven job. If KF ever has 3 seasons in a row of non results, you gotta move on, and this buyout assures that Barta's successor can never make that decision.

This will come back to haunt the Iowa football program at some point.
This is just plain stupidity. Barta is not the one that is the moron here, the people who put Barta in this position are the morons. When CJ leaves after this year watch the old Kirk mysteriously reappear.
People above Barta signed off on this. What I don't like is it once again gives us the real possibility this ends poorly. I though after last year Kirk would play out the string on his deal and retire and be welcomed back like Hayden is. Now, I can't imagine this ends well and we will resent him as he's too expensive to fire.
Barta is stupid. If KF wants to coach, he's not likely going anywhere to get the kind of money he was at. Way to risky. He's proven lazy before and admitted it. He got a gamer QB. That is what changed. Huge odds this ends badly. Could naming a potential gamer qb as #2 been a part of the influence? He has never been a great coach without a qb who bucks him.
Iowa isn't the only team saddled with a bad buyout. Many schools with good coaches are. Its the nature of college football right now. Coaches have these schools by the balls and they know it. Particularly with a guy like KF who would have an NFL job tomorrow if he wanted it.

I do agree with some posters that this most likely will end badly. Similar on the the field to Hayden's last couple years. Unless KF keeps his foot on the gas and takes advantage of Iowa's easy division, keeps recruiting hard and puts a plan in place for a young coach (Brian) to take over.
Hey, hey, Guys. Cool it. I just got a PM from an HN insider, one of my favorite stalkers. He assured me that as recently as this morning Barta was contacted by no less than 3 NFL teams offering to buy out Cirk's contract to attain his services.

It didn't even take that long! 1 week was enough for Careful Kirk to reappear.

Careful Kirk never went anywhere, and I have been saying it since people tried to label him "New Kirk".

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Careful Kirk never went anywhere, and I have been saying it since people tried to label him "New Kirk".

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Agree to disagree.

When his seat was getting warm he showed signs of flexibility. Pushing JR off the cliff was the first sign. IMO he would've ridden JR till the end if the public hadn't witnessed (and grumbled a bit) that the better QB was on the bench. Now he's forever safe and can put Peter Dinklage at QB if he wants to.
Agree to disagree.

When his seat was getting warm he showed signs of flexibility. Pushing JR off the cliff was the first sign. IMO he would've ridden JR till the end if the public hadn't witnessed (and grumbled a bit) that the better QB was on the bench. Now he's forever safe and can put Peter Dinklage at QB if he wants to.

KF didn't care what the public thought all year about CJ sitting on the bench, and he certainly didn't care about the public in Jan. He was sending a message to his team, and clarifying to the team who the leader was for the upcoming '15 season.

KF has always made changes each and every year since he has been here. That doesn't mean the core of what KF is/does is any different than it ever was.

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