How will Olasani decision be revealed to HN?


Well-Known Member
How will all of the rest of us learn the true results of Katenda and Olasani's announcement? I don't want to spend 45 minutes again trying to figure out the truth.
Seriously? there will likely be 6 threads started about the press conference within 30 sec. of the announcement.
Just check back in at 3 and the info will be everywhere.
Seriously? there will likely be 6 threads started about the press conference within 30 sec. of the announcement.
Just check back in at 3 and the info will be everywhere.

Doubtful. It took a good 45 minutes before anyone had anything concrete on Hubbard's decision. 15 minutes after he was supposed to announce there was a thread about him going to Nebraska.
6 threads, two that battle back and forth to be the longest lasting, but only one will prevail!! One thread to rule them all..
Join the 21st Century and create a Twitter account. No need to refresh HN obsessively.

I refuse to join Twitter. There are just as many conflicting reports on there as there are on these boards. Everyone wants to be the first to announce something, and if they're wrong so be it.
Twitter is almost as dumb as soccer, but they're both really dumb.

Olaseni will descend down upon thee and reveal his choice.
I will be sending individual faxes to anybody who wants 1 just leave me your fax number here add you to the list
The 45-minute wait with Hubbard is hardly typical. That is by far the longest wait I've witnessed since I started following recruiting. There is nearly always something up within 10 minutes.
My god, there was a 45 minute lag from the scheduled start of Hubbard's press conference until we got the information. How did we all survive?

We've waited six months for this recruiting class to be solidified. What's another afternoon?
I will be sending individual faxes to anybody who wants 1 just leave me your fax number here add you to the list
Hey Duff, I prefer a Wuphf

[ame=]YouTube - WUPHF Social Networking from The Office - Ryan Howard[/ame]
You just have to know how to filter through the bs. For example: if Rob Howe (@HawkeyeInsider) tweets most things "breaking news," wait about 10 minutes before you spread the info. @storminspank and @HawkeyeNation usually retweet info from sources in the know, so you can rely on their tweet's validity. @marcmorehouse is the MAN for anything Hawkeye Football. There's a start for ya!
Just join twitter.. If you are worried about all of the "false" tweets from people with no sources than just follow john miller @hawkeyenation, rob howe @hawkeyeinsider, tom kakert @hawkeyereport, and marc morehouse @marcmorehouse.. And you won't have to worry about getting bad info..
Truth? TRUTH? You can't handle the truth!!

Don't follow Marty Tirell if you want "accurate" info

I never thought I would do Twitter and I love it now. Don't tweet much but love all the info
Just join twitter.. If you are worried about all of the "false" tweets from people with no sources than just follow john miller @hawkeyenation, rob howe @hawkeyeinsider, tom kakert @hawkeyereport, and marc morehouse @marcmorehouse.. And you won't have to worry about getting bad info..

So I started following all four of the recommended sources. I am not a twitter-phile, so I had to dig up my account info. This seems like a perfect use for Twitter.

Thanks for the suggestion!