How to achieve silence during opponent's intro ...

I just love it -- when you disagree with someone on this post, they call you a turd. Brilliant.

This is a dumb, lame idea and it has been covered on this board numerous times already. The problem with the silence idea is that the visiting team usually has 2,000 to 5,000 fans in the stands in Kinnick, and many times their band is there as well if it is a big game. Your silence allows the visitor to hear their own fans cheering (and sometimes their own band is playing as well). That encourages them, not discourages them.

Boo the snot out of them and silence the visiting fans. If you don't think it works, go to a game in the Big House or the Shoe sometime. They boo the holy living you know what out of the visitor when they take the field. And yes, it is VERY intimidating.

This is college football, not cricket. Boo and boo loudly.

Dumb idea. As Rambo said in "First Blood" -- LET IT GO


Turd Guy
Never have boo'd opponent -- mostly pay no attention -- but like this idea of greeting them with silence. In fact, I can actually see this as a potential Hawkeye tradition if people commit to it.

It all starts with the p.a. announcer firmly calling for everyone to please direct their attention to the southeast corner of the stadium. Then (against the back drop of the intro to AC/DC's Hell's Bells) as they stand in the tunnel, awaiting their introduction, he solemnly asks all in attendance to please offer a moment of silence for "today's nearly departed opponent, the [school name and mascot]. You came, you battled and, as have so many before you, you will lose! God speed and game on!!"

Good luck getting the Iowa administration to allow the PA announcer to say that. Not going to happen.

I just don't get why people are so against fans booing THE OTHER team. I completely agree that we shouldn't boo our own team, but who cares about the other team. You don't think Iowa gets boo'd when they go on the road?
Look proles, I get it that your podunk high schools with their 400 seat stadiums were able to get everyone to be silent - there were prolly 200 fans for the home team and 20 or so fans for the visiting team. Kinnick seats north of 70k, this ain't Marshalltown or whatever other crappy town you grew up in. If you want silence when the opponents come out, go to Carver and convince the other 80 people there to try this. It will be great when the Orange Krush is there.

You really aren't getting it, are you? I'm not saying let's do it because I got 400 people to do it at basketball games (I was on the football team, so I wasn't in charge of that). If it won't work at Kinnick, then don't do it. But if it COULD work (and this thread was presenting a way to do that), it would be pretty cool.
I love the idea of everyone turning their back on the visitor. To me it seems like this is something that needs to be started with the student section
I like the I-O-W-A thought. I think it would be much more effective to drown out the oppositions cheering.

One minor technical issue... the "A" cheerleaders would be right where the opposing team will be running out. I am sure they could work around them, but don't expect the players to be particularly polite in running around the "A" crew. :p
One minor technical issue... the "A" cheerleaders would be right where the opposing team will be running out. I am sure they could work around them, but don't expect the players to be particularly polite in running around the "A" crew. :p

They really only have to hold it up once. Once it gets going, we don't need the signs.
The silence idea is great and it's something that as far as I know in D1 football would be original. But I have no idea how it could be pulled off, good effort with the PA announcement but don't think that is the way to go. I think it has to start with the student section, but really no good ideas how to spread it to everyone. And of course not everyone will like the idea and be drunk and beligerent so yell or boo just to be a jacka$$
Never have boo'd opponent -- mostly pay no attention -- but like this idea of greeting them with silence. In fact, I can actually see this as a potential Hawkeye tradition if people commit to it.

It all starts with the p.a. announcer firmly calling for everyone to please direct their attention to the southeast corner of the stadium. Then (against the back drop of the intro to AC/DC's Hell's Bells) as they stand in the tunnel, awaiting their introduction, he solemnly asks all in attendance to please offer a moment of silence for "today's nearly departed opponent, the [school name and mascot]. You came, you battled and, as have so many before you, you will lose! God speed and game on!!"

You really think this is less disrespectful than a smattering of boos?:rolleyes:
Please let this silence scheme die. At the kickoff of every game, I have been drinking for AT LEAST 4 hours and I have a lot of energy I need to direct toward booing. Like many others have said, if all the Iowa fans are silent, all the other team will hear is their own fans cheering them on.

I think maybe this silence thing would have worked when we played Buffalo back in 2003 bince they only had about 50 fans at the game, but against any other team (including even Western Michigan) it wouldn't work.

I like the idea. Crickets over the loud speakers. Very difficult to coordinate but starting with the PA and student will help.
The silence would be amazing, and I disagree the opposing fans would ruin it, as the contrast to their pathetic sound would be astounding when the Hawks ran out.

The problem is we're all so amped up, we have to have something to *do* during that silence. How about golf claps plus "shhhhhhhhhhhh!" ?

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