How to achieve silence during opponent's intro ...


Well-Known Member
Never have boo'd opponent -- mostly pay no attention -- but like this idea of greeting them with silence. In fact, I can actually see this as a potential Hawkeye tradition if people commit to it.

It all starts with the p.a. announcer firmly calling for everyone to please direct their attention to the southeast corner of the stadium. Then (against the back drop of the intro to AC/DC's Hell's Bells) as they stand in the tunnel, awaiting their introduction, he solemnly asks all in attendance to please offer a moment of silence for "today's nearly departed opponent, the [school name and mascot]. You came, you battled and, as have so many before you, you will lose! God speed and game on!!"
Please let this silence scheme die. At the kickoff of every game, I have been drinking for AT LEAST 4 hours and I have a lot of energy I need to direct toward booing. Like many others have said, if all the Iowa fans are silent, all the other team will hear is their own fans cheering them on.

I think maybe this silence thing would have worked when we played Buffalo back in 2003 bince they only had about 50 fans at the game, but against any other team (including even Western Michigan) it wouldn't work.
I think silence during the opposing team's entrance is do-able. It would be very eerie to be a part of and I can't imagine how eerie it would be to be the opposing team. I think it would almost leave the other team energy-less.
LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually experienced the same thing as a high school athlete (not nearly as big a deal but during a playoff game the opposing team did this), and it was UNSETTLING. Not only were they silent when we came out, the home team didn't come out for at least 10-15 minutes. Silence during our warmups, silence during our psyche-up was weird. I think it's doable, but we'd have to spread the word pretty much right at the end of the previous season. Have it on signs around campus, have it on the Cambus, maybe even have a sheet that comes with student tickets explaining. If it's only a small part of the stadium or if we're just quiet instead of silent, the whole thing will just look stupid.
Silence? Why would you want silence when the opponent enters Kinnick?

If you want to try something different take a page out of Homer's playbook!

[ame=]YouTube - Why Can't We Be Friends?[/ame]
Silence while walking out of the tunnel would be like the silence they get every day when they walk out for practice. I'm not sure I see the point.

If they are on the goal line, should we be quiet so that they are intimidated?

If someone is shooting a free throw, should we be quiet so they are intimidated?
I am officially on board with not booing, I would even prefer light golf claps :) However, as much as I appreciate your energy STILLBUSTER, the PA announcer absolutely should not say what you have written or anything remotely close...that would come off as cheap and lame.

Idea off the top of my head: We should combine a couple of ideas...silence and turning away:) PA announcer announces the visiting team(whatever intro they usually do)...Kinnick Stadium welcomes the Ohio State Buckeyes....and immediately Hawkeye Fans go silent and turn their backs away to the visiting team and hold for 10-30 seconds....then proceed with introduction of YOUR IOWA HAWKEYES!

Of course the biggest issue with shooting for the silence, is A) I don't know if we have the fan coordination (like PSU etc.) to pull this kind of vision off to get it to the point to become a tradition...if it was a tradition everyone would do it...but until it becomes so I think too many people don't follow, and B) It seems like the Hawks come out first often times, and the visiting team tries to sneak in on top of our applause...(which I would try to do too if I was visiting)--WHICH makes it even dumber to burn your time booing! So OKEEFE, you say you got drunk energy to burn...burn it cheering and going apeschit for the Hawks and not stalling what should be a raucous ovation for our team to boo the other. JMO

IDEA #2: since i don't share the confidence that Iowa fans could pull off the coordinated silence, I would like us to stick with what we do with our entrance, and once the original chaos of them entering the field has worn, I think we should immediately go into our four corners I-O-W-A chant leading up to kickoff (including) the visiting team taking the field... That way the visiting team will know what they are going to be facing all game (I_O_W_A means touchdowns are coming!)
I don't know, I guess I don't care one way or the other. I never boo when the opposing team comes out, so silence doesn't bother me. That's how we did it in high school.
I dont mind the silence idea. The whole announcer thing is ridiculous. Let their fans cheer them on if they would like but they will understand they are not on friendly turf.
I don't know, I guess I don't care one way or the other. I never boo when the opposing team comes out, so silence doesn't bother me. That's how we did it in high school.

Look proles, I get it that your podunk high schools with their 400 seat stadiums were able to get everyone to be silent - there were prolly 200 fans for the home team and 20 or so fans for the visiting team. Kinnick seats north of 70k, this ain't Marshalltown or whatever other crappy town you grew up in. If you want silence when the opponents come out, go to Carver and convince the other 80 people there to try this. It will be great when the Orange Krush is there.
While I think the silence/turning away would be awesome (imagine the 2-3k of their fans cheering for them as they come on the field while the Iowa fans as silent, the pretty much silence as the Hawkeyes walk though the hallways in the buildup, then the sudden, thunderous boom of 68k Iowa fans going nuts as the Hawks actually take the field), I just can't see it happening. It would take a LOT of organization, and some of us have been known to visit a beer or six prior to the game.

I am not a fan of booing the other team. Waste of time. I would rather just cheer for our team (such as the idea of I-O-W-A) and ignore their team...