How the new Big 12 really was formed...


Well-Known Member
A little youtube video...
[ame=]YouTube - The Texas Conference: The rise of the empire[/ame]
(some language)
yeah Stormin!!! Except they have started charging for many of their set pieces... unfortunately they have said that ads will not support their site...I am glad Jon has been able to keep HN free!!

You really have to get creative to make your videos work...and settle (obviously that person doesn't look like Dan Beebe....)
I do enjoy reading their stuff but BHGP is still king.

they're a little different style's IMO. WRNL is pretty much all satire or just shananigans where as BHGP attempts to make some efforts at reporting news/stories. they definitely are both entertaining though
they're a little different style's IMO. WRNL is pretty much all satire or just shananigans where as BHGP attempts to make some efforts at reporting news/stories. they definitely are both entertaining though

True...I'm just saying that imo BHGP is better...there have been a few pieces that BHGP did where I literally about ****** myself laughing....WRNL is funny but...just not quite as much I think.
True...I'm just saying that imo BHGP is better...there have been a few pieces that BHGP did where I literally about ****** myself laughing....WRNL is funny but...just not quite as much I think.

It's "we're trying way too hard to be funny" kind of funny.
I don't mind it but they go overboard on some they had a good premise for the Barta interview a while back..but just overdid it on one thing if I remember right.
I don't mind it but they go overboard on some they had a good premise for the Barta interview a while back..but just overdid it on one thing if I remember right.

to each his own I guess. they are both pretty entertaining. looking forward to what they both come with when it gets closer to the Iowa/ISU game

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