I made this one last year. Woot.Xtranormal.com you should check it out!!
I do enjoy reading their stuff but BHGP is still king.
they're a little different style's IMO. WRNL is pretty much all satire or just shananigans where as BHGP attempts to make some efforts at reporting news/stories. they definitely are both entertaining though
True...I'm just saying that imo BHGP is better...there have been a few pieces that BHGP did where I literally about ****** myself laughing....WRNL is funny but...just not quite as much I think.
It's "we're trying way too hard to be funny" kind of funny.
It's "we're trying way too hard to be funny" kind of funny.
I don't mind it but they go overboard on some things...like they had a good premise for the Barta interview a while back..but just overdid it on one thing if I remember right.