How tall is Adam?


Well-Known Member
Not that it matters but some places have him listed at 6-11 and others at 7-1. And since he is so young is he still growing? just curious
I heard that he was 7'1'' yesterday but that he is still growing and will be around 8' by time he hits campus.
I heard that he was 7'1'' yesterday but that he is still growing and will be around 8' by time he hits campus.

I also heard they're renovating Hillcrest so he never has to duck when he gets here
Not that it matters but some places have him listed at 6-11 and others at 7-1. And since he is so young is he still growing? just curious

There was an article a month or two ago that said he measured 7' 1.25" at one of the camps this summer, I think it was the NBA Top 100 camp. If I can find the article I'll post it.
Adam stated in an interview that he is 7'1" barefoot. I'm not sure why ESPN has him listed at 6'11" when all the other recruiting services have him at 7' or taller.
Most of the recent publications Ive seen have him at 7'1" 225, Ive seen others that had him at 7'0" and 6'11" obviously those havn't been updated yet.
I heard that he was 7'1'' yesterday but that he is still growing and will be around 8' by time he hits campus.

This is what I am hearing as well. Fran has been in contact with O'Keefe and they have a little something planned to get Adam involved in both FB and BB. Basically, what I'm hearing is that Iowa intentionally lost all of the rivalry trophies due to a retrofitting of the trophy case to hold the national title trophy. O'Keefe has talked about cutting roughly 50% of the playbook out and going from an aggressive 8 play rotation down to a more conservative 4 play rotation which will include jumpball pass to Adam, Derby QB sneak, off tackle right and off tackle left. Derby has been practicing throwing to a tire hanging from a tree approximately 14 feet in the air so he will be ready when Adam comes to campus. They are also working out scheduling issues so that Adam will be able to make it to all of the football games and basketball games.

We are going to be like Florida was a few years ago with A LOT of hardware residing in IC.
We should find someway to get extreme height labelled as a disability so we can provide special accommodations for our hoops players.

How about a special dorm with vaulted ceilings and extra-long beds?

Hey, it's not an extra-benefit, it's just an accommodation for someone with a physical disadvantage, right?" ;)
You know he goes about 7'8'' 340 pounds. I once saw him eat a whole live chicken. Adam is ranked 18th in the AP College Football Poll. And he framed Roger Rabbit.
Last winter he was measured at 7'1.25'' in stockings.
I think we can be pretty sure that he will be the tallest Hawk since Kevin Kunnert.
In stockings? Really? I hope you meant socks.

Oh, and another thing. I here he is bigger than Bill Brasky.

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Has a player even been listed the same height and weight on every publication in the country? Either way...dude is tall.
Antonio Ramos was 7'2" so I hope Adam still plans on growing a little.

I would be interested to find out who has a longer reach between Adam and Gabe. At 6'10" I understand Olesani has a pretty long reach.
adam is so tall when he does a cartwheel he kicks jesus.

what, this isn't a head filled with adam is so tall jokes?

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