How much football you watching this weekend??


Active Member
How much football do you plan on watching over the Labor Day weekend?? I looking at over 8hrs
Most likely to the point of divorce threats from the wife. My Saturdays are shot for the next 13 weeks.
How are you counting hours?

I'm going to watch at least 3 hours tonight but will be flipping between ISU, OSU, and Indiana. Do I count that as 3 hours or 9 hours. Does tonight's games count toward the weekend total, because it's not technically the weekend. Do I count the 4 hours of tailgating, plus the Hawks saturday, plus the post game? Does the game I listen to on the way back to Des Moines count? Does the Ankeny HS game tomorrow night count? :rolleyes:;)

If we structure the rules in the correct manner I bet I could get about 72 hours of Football in between today and Monday Night.

In all seriousness I will be watching at least one football game each day for the next five days.

Life is Good!
As much as humanly possible... then the Iowa game again on DVR to hopefully find strengths and weaknesses to watch for the rest of the season
3 to 4 hours Thursday night (OSU, ISU/NIU, etc.)
Friday night, Arizona at Toledo? sure, I'll at least check it.
Saturday. attend Hawkeye game, surely check in on other games.
Sunday has a couple random games on ESPN that I'll check.
Monday night Boise State at VA TECH. 4 hrs.

so, a lot. :)
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Gonna be traveling from tomorrow till monday night. Gonna be camping so i really won't have any tv to watch either! Gonna suck, but a weekend camping in the great outdoors and going fishing, There will be college football for the next 13 weeks, I think one week to miss won't kill me!
Not as much as I would like! My wife, kid and I are moving into a new apartment this weekend. Friggin' cable company can't get to us until one week from today. So very, very little football for me this weekend.
As much as I can. I'll probably get carpol in my wrist. After 35 yrs. of marriage, my wife has learn that at this time of the, I'm AWOL Thur. night and all day Sat.
I will be at the Tampa Bay Iowa Club at 11:00AM and will watch football until the latest Pac 10 game is over at 1AM. Can't wait to join all of the Hawks in the Tampa Bay area at Bostons and spend 14 hours watching every game possible.