How much are season Tix costing this year?

I would be interested in buying a few single games off any season ticket holders who aren't using them all.
But no sections are less then 200?
There are 4 zones.
Every zone starts with a mandatory $350 face value of a ticket.
Zone 1 - add $600 per ticket
Zone 2 - add $400 per ticket
Zone 3 - add $200 per ticket
Zone 4 - No donation required. Just pay the face value of $350. These seats are in the extreme corner and directly behind the hoop.
There are 4 zones.
Every zone starts with a mandatory $350 face value of a ticket.
Zone 1 - add $600 per ticket
Zone 2 - add $400 per ticket
Zone 3 - add $200 per ticket
Zone 4 - No donation required. Just pay the face value of $350. These seats are in the extreme corner and directly behind the hoop.

Weird. I didn't know about zone 4.