How many losses would it take for Kirk to get shown the door?

How many losses would it take for Kirk to get canned?

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Infinity...we need him to go find a juco qb for next year. If we were to fire him this off season next year would be a waste as our new coach wouldn't have time to find a qb for 2015.
Its about money, only when the money lost from keeping him exceeds the buyout will he be gone. Sadly, this means half empty Kinnick on a Saturday is the only way to force the AD's hand.
Its about money, only when the money lost from keeping him exceeds the buyout will he be gone. Sadly, this means half empty Kinnick on a Saturday is the only way to force the AD's hand.

What does a face value ticket go for these days?
Its about money, only when the money lost from keeping him exceeds the buyout will he be gone. Sadly, this means half empty Kinnick on a Saturday is the only way to force the AD's hand.
This is correct. Barta should be getting just as much heat if not more then Ferentz because he handcuffed Iowa with an insane contract. You'd think he would have learned from the mistake Bowlsby made when he did the same with Alford. If you ask me I think Gary Barta is a terrible AD overall and is the first person who should go.
If Iowa bough out Kirk's contract it would cost Iowa $2,629,704 per year. Not including the remainder of this season, it would cost Iowa $13,148,520.

It's not going to happen. You all need to get use to the fact that Ferentz is here until 2020.

As someone pointed out in another thread, the money going to Kirk is spent whether he's here or not. To figure out how much it will cost you need to figure how much you would save with Kirk gone (someone said the buyout was 75% of his salary) and compare that to what you would pay a new coach until the buyout is done.

If kirk makes 4 mil a year you would save 1 mil a year with him gone. If you paid a new coach 2 mil per year it would cost the university 1 mil per year until 2020. That's not even factoring in empty seats that will for sure happen if he stays.
The University of Iowa wouldn't pay the buyout, the boosters would. If the big-time donors have had enough, they would force a change. Unfortunately, they are extremely tolerant. There is a lot of money floating around behind the scenes at the U of I.
The only way Kirk is let go is if the big donors demand/pay for it. A decline in future ticket sales is just a drop in the hat compared to what the donors give each year.

If I had to bet on who gets fired first, I would pick Barta. Iowa's athletic department is the least successful in the entire Big Ten. Considering all the facilities upgrades over the last decade, that is just unacceptable.
As someone pointed out in another thread, the money going to Kirk is spent whether he's here or not. To figure out how much it will cost you need to figure how much you would save with Kirk gone (someone said the buyout was 75% of his salary) and compare that to what you would pay a new coach until the buyout is done.

If kirk makes 4 mil a year you would save 1 mil a year with him gone. If you paid a new coach 2 mil per year it would cost the university 1 mil per year until 2020. That's not even factoring in empty seats that will for sure happen if he stays.

Yep, it's not even about the lack of money, the net/net difference (even if you pay a new coach $3Mil/year) is less than $2m/year to Iowa, which the University can easily afford. Its not ideal, but if he won't make the changes(meaning an OC change RIGHT NOW), he's gotta go too. I respect KF, always have, I think he's a great man, mentor, teacher. But I am an Iowa fan, and I can't bear to watch what I've seen the first 3 weeks, and most of 2012, anymore.

You know what's worse for the University than spending $2Mil/year that they didn't plan on....losing many times more than that is aggregate ticket, merchandise, donor money etc sales because we go back to late 90's crappy teams. KF has been a huge factor in making all of those things the beast they are, but the offense is BROKEN, and he is the CEO, so he gets the ultimate blame.

I'll say it again, I've always defended KF, cause I respect the man and truly thought the overall Pros outweighed the Cons. I have no idea how much he does or doesn't weigh in on the offense, but I do know he wants a more conservative approach....that's fine, but GD's offense and this stupid Hybrid approach isn't gonna work. If you going to be conservative, You Had Better have a good power running game and scheme.

2 days later, still mad as he//.
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Those of you that mentioned the money/fans in the stands are all correct. There's no number to put on it win loss wise. I wonder how prideful Ferentz is if say the season spirals strait down from here what he'd do. Surely he'd dump Davis wouldn't he? I mean that seems to be what he should do before next Saturday anyway and we know he isn't doing that. But if at the end of this bad year if that's what happens would he be more apt to keep the status quo or make a change there or even step down himself? As a prideful guy I can't see him wanting to leave the program like that. I can't see him walking away. He'd think he was quitting on his kids and all that he'd built over the years. It's such a tough situation it really is. But if say Ferentz does "retire" then what?? Who's the next Bob Stoops?...
Those of you that mentioned the money/fans in the stands are all correct. There's no number to put on it win loss wise. I wonder how prideful Ferentz is if say the season spirals strait down from here what he'd do. Surely he'd dump Davis wouldn't he? I mean that seems to be what he should do before next Saturday anyway and we know he isn't doing that. But if at the end of this bad year if that's what happens would he be more apt to keep the status quo or make a change there or even step down himself? As a prideful guy I can't see him wanting to leave the program like that. I can't see him walking away. He'd think he was quitting on his kids and all that he'd built over the years. It's such a tough situation it really is. But if say Ferentz does "retire" then what?? Who's the next Bob Stoops?...
Bob ain't coming here. Would Bret Bielama? Would we want him?
Don't need "Bob Stoops" -- Kirk Ferentz was not and never will be Bob Stoops. Just need a competent football mind capable of managing a game, recognizing and maximizing strengths and playing to win rather than not to lose.

I get that change is hard for so many Iowans and there's some weird inferiority complex rooted in the psyche of the fan base that fears the "risky" "what-if" rather than embraces the opportunity to go for success (all those, "it could be worse", folks). However, Iowa is not as devoid of talent, nor such a football "wasteland" as many native long-timers want to believe. You simply put these skills and philosophy in place and Iowa has the tools to win 8 games a year and, most importantly, play competitive, winning football that takes care of business, without breaking much of a sweat.
Does anyone actually trust Barta to make a Football HC hire? I'd rather stick with the drivel we've got now then risk Barta hiring someone. I can see it now, "Gary Barta tabs offensive guru June Jones as the next UI Football Coach!".

Before anything happens, Barta needs to go asap.
The AD won't hire the next HC itll be another committee that takes 2 months to pick the safest possible choice. You aim for 8-4 its pretty easy to say you hit a bullseye.
Yea I was leaning towards the next hot coach not the actual Bob Stoops.... Hiring the wrong coach can really set a program back. There are more then a handful of examples of that. With where the program is and the players they currently have that changing the offensive philosophy and play calling should do the trick. This group is good. Let them play. Willies and Powell are over on the sidelines most of the time twiddling their thumbs while Vandeberg is out there.... Not to knock him but he's like the 5th or 6th WR that I'd target or call a deep passing play for on this roster. We are the easiest team to defend against. I saw 2 or 3 times from where I was sitting right before the snap the ISU LBs pointing and yelling at each other where the play was going.. It's one thing if they didn't have the personnel but I for one think they do.
Those of you that mentioned the money/fans in the stands are all correct. There's no number to put on it win loss wise. I wonder how prideful Ferentz is if say the season spirals strait down from here what he'd do. Surely he'd dump Davis wouldn't he? I mean that seems to be what he should do before next Saturday anyway and we know he isn't doing that. But if at the end of this bad year if that's what happens would he be more apt to keep the status quo or make a change there or even step down himself? As a prideful guy I can't see him wanting to leave the program like that. I can't see him walking away. He'd think he was quitting on his kids and all that he'd built over the years. It's such a tough situation it really is. But if say Ferentz does "retire" then what?? Who's the next Bob Stoops?...

Playing on your hypothetical, IMO to satisfy fans, Barta makes a curtesy call to Stoops and Bielema but never seriously considers them candidates and than goes after a HC from the MAC or similar conference. There is no next Bob Stoops, at least not at Iowa.

There is only two 2 possibilities for Iowa to get a candidate like that: 1) Its not like Bob Stoops, it is Bob Stoops. You have to have a guy who played and coached at Iowa and values that experience highly. They're going to need a damn good reason to turn down high quality jobs in better conferences to come to Iowa. Loyalty is the only realistic reason. He and Bielema are the only guys who fit that bill or 2) Gross overpay. Offer so much money the candidate can't turn it down even though the job is a step down (think Mike Holmgrom leaving GB for Seattle in the late 1990s).

The sad part is that Stoops current salary is 5.2 million. Iowa could double that, pay off KF's buyout and still be just fine.

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