How many INT's for Sash this year?


Well-Known Member
Our front 4 is going to create a LOT of pressure on opposing QB's, so I think Tyler Sash is going to have plenty of opportunities to play center field and be in the right position to pick up another boat load of INT's this fall.

I believe he has 11 in his career so far, so he is 8 picks away from breaking Nile Kinnick's career record of 18.

I see Sash getting at another 6 picks this year and then hopefully blowing away the INT record in his senior year. I think Tyler is a very good player, but I don't see him entertaining jumping to the NFL after his junior year, so I think as long as he plays two more years as a Hawk the career INT record will be his.
I predict 6 INTs this year......two pick 6 type and also some other big fumble recoveries and forced fumbles
LOL! (I actually laughed out loud) Sash is one of my favorites and he will continue to haunt ISUcks
Picks are very hard to predict. Lots of "luck of the draw" involved. And teams may try to prepare their QBs to watch out for him. An average of about 4-5 the next couple of years is a reasonable prediction.

How amazing is it that, on top of everything else he did, that Nile Kinnick still holds the Iowa record for INTs? How often did teams even throw the ball back then?
Two, maybe. Nobody is going to throw long over the middle against Iowa this year. Every team, save maybe Wisconsin and OSU, is going to attempt nickel and dime their way down the field. Any coach stupid enough to let their QB sit in the pocket against this D-line and throw over the middle against these safeties...well, maybe Brewster.
He reminds me of Paul Krause, not as a former Iowa QB, rather as a safety with the MN Vikings' Purple People Eaters defense.

One had and the other has a nose for the ball when it is in the air.
Not sure on a prediction because I really want Kinick's record to stand. I hope Sash leaves tied at 18 career INT's. That aside, I think its reasonable to predict 4 on the very low end and 8 on the lucky grab high end.

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