KF over conservative game plan is a weakness, and I would agree certainly doesn't lend itself to attracting high level RB or WR. But you speak as if we were a consistent top 20-30 talent recruiting team prior to him. We werent, not even in the mid 80's hay day. Hayden was a great offensive mind and we still didn't have top 20-30 talent classes. The closest we ever have been to consistently getting graet/elite recruiting classes was '04 and '05...and through attrition, those amounted to nothing. Again, attrition...thus the inability to develop or gain depth...put us behind.
Recruiting needs to improve, no question. But I contend we will likely never be to point that we will not need to rely on development to be a consistent top 25 team.
I no longer argue against anyone wanting KF gone, too many valid issues to defend against , I simply believe some folks wish for something that never was, other than a few years in the 80's and a few years in the early 00's...teams both built on stability and development , not recruited.