How many games can you remember where Iowa was truly pumped up for a game?

Speaking of starting in on the refs...did anyone see brian ferentz? He gave that one ref an earful last saturday....then daddy ferentz started in too...funniest thing....father and son both chewing on him.
No emotion is why Iowa should get rid of Ferentz & hire Pellini or Mike Stoops. At least they show fire & emotion on the sidelines. Yeah, right!
Illinois 1990.

[ame=]1990 Iowa spanks illinois 54 - 28 - YouTube[/ame]
I would imagine they come out pumped up for about every game. You don't play football at that level, in those venues, in front of those crowds without being pumped for a game. Now, do they come out showing emotion and going nuts, not always. But that isn't a lack of being pumped for a game. I've worked with and played with many good players that you couldn't tell whether they had just made a great play or watched their dog get hit by a car.

Can't confuse emotion and being "pumped up" as the same thing. I used to hate the kid that was all jacked, hitting pads, and yelling to get us fired up. Would go out of my way to avoid those people...
if you are privileged enough to be able to be around the players and coaches, on the sidelines, in the locker rooms, you would realize that they are jacked up for every game. it is some urban legend to think they are anything else.
if you are privileged enough to be able to be around the players and coaches, on the sidelines, in the locker rooms, you would realize that they are jacked up for every game. it is some urban legend to think they are anything else.
What?? You mean ferentz doesnt balancs his checkbook before heading down the tunnel?! I thought he was a fat cat and apathetic!!!
Or at least looked pumped up from a visual standpoint? Games you can remember where the players showed they wanted this game bad. In person and on television. This is not to say the players are not always pumped up for games, but where you could tell this game was real important emotionally to the team. Games that really stand out to you.

-I think the win at ISU to end their streak we showed a lot of emotion there.
-Winning at OSU in the Shoe after the Iowa City shootings.
-A number of games against Michigan, even in losing. I think Jared DeVries always played with a lot of fire against them.
-I thought a lot of emotion in the 08 win against Penn St.

I'd say that the team is pumped whenever you see a really good combo of effort and execution.

To that end, in the '10 season, I think that the Hawks were pumped through most of the games up through the Northwestern game.

The loss to the Wildcats last year was a crushing blow ... because once we lost that game, we were no longer in contention for a BCS bowl ... and the players clearly knew it.

I'll admit that the Hawks weren't pumped for the IU game in '10 ... however, as Hyde indicated, the players were looking past them a bit ... and it just about cost them the game!
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if you are privileged enough to be able to be around the players and coaches, on the sidelines, in the locker rooms, you would realize that they are jacked up for every game. it is some urban legend to think they are anything else.

I guess I took the question to mean, "name a game where Iowa came out and absolute destroyed an opponent, when people were expecting a close game".
Or at least looked pumped up from a visual standpoint? Games you can remember where the players showed they wanted this game bad. In person and on television. This is not to say the players are not always pumped up for games, but where you could tell this game was real important emotionally to the team. Games that really stand out to you.

-I think the win at ISU to end their streak we showed a lot of emotion there.
-Winning at OSU in the Shoe after the Iowa City shootings.
-A number of games against Michigan, even in losing. I think Jared DeVries always played with a lot of fire against them.
-I thought a lot of emotion in the 08 win against Penn St.

Michigan 2011
emotion doesn't always mean you are focused on the game. It's not about "im going to Kill nebraska" for me, it's about on this play I have to do this to allow our team to win. Running around like a maniac doesn't mean you are more likely to win...

"Pumped up" is for fans and Ray Lewis. I'd much rather see my team focused.
"Pumped up" is for fans and Ray Lewis. I'd much rather see my team focused.

Yes, go to a highschool game, every kid running through the paper at the start of the game is pumped up! wooooo hoooo! You dont have to be Lyle Alzado to do your job. Know your job, know your role, play hard, etc. Do we want to be Miami and Florida State after every play? no, I want good kids playing hard, focused on their role within the team.
Matt Roth in the 2004 Outback Bowl against Florida comes to mind, but as was noted earlier Roth was always a bit over the top.
The Swarm results in a business-like focused look instead of a hair on fire screaming out of the tunnel like madmen. I do not think Hayden left anything to chance,and he did not want the players to burn energy running around like crazymen.

Maybe you should suggest to KF to abandon the Swarm,and let them come streaming out of the tunnel in a mad sprint?

I think I will stick with The Swarm and a focused intensity.

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