How can some of you defend the actions of McCabe?


Well-Known Member
It truly blows my mind that there are a handful of you that are actually pretending that what we saw last night didn't actually happen.

Sure the two players locked arms and neither was willing to backdown.
Sure the refs should have stepped in immediately and ended it before McCabe went all WWE on his ***.
Sure McCabe has been in a slump for the last 4 years and his career is nearing the end.

What he did (McCabe) was inexcusable. It was a blatant attempt to injure another player while on the court and he should have been tossed from the game. Anyone that says otherwise is just blind and willing to defend a player because he happens to play for our team.

It was unnecessary and uncalled for. It just adds to the already frustrating season that he is having. It completely ruins Senior night because quite honestly, the kid should receive a 2 or 3 game suspension similar to what happened to Marcus Smart from OK St and the kid from NMSU.

McCabe has now turned into the Pierre Pierce of this years team. It's obvious to the outsider that he is a distraction to the team and yet the coach continues to defend (and play) him.

Coach loves him. It's rather obvious because he allows him to continue to make the same mistakes over, and over, and over again. He fails to box out, he gets dominated on the glass, he continues to foul like its a stat that all players strive for, he acts like a dick when he's on the court and waves his hands in the air questioning every call that goes against him and yet he still logs double digit minutes.

Last night Basabe got his *** chewed for throwing the ball and hitting Clemmons in the hands which caused a turnover on the toss-in. We all saw it. The play was pretty obvious as Basabe was trying to make Clemmons aware that he should run more of a 90* angle instead of the 45* because he had a trailing defender. Clemmons looks away for a second but looks back and Basabe throws the ball in. Following the turnover Fran calls a TO and chews the living hell out of Basabe - BASABE! - when it wasn't even his fault. Basabe gets pulled and doesn't see the floor again until scrub minutes. In the meantime captain GFY on Twitter remains in the game when he leaves the backside of the zone open for wideopen dunks and tip ins.

Fran pulls the same **** on Gesell, Olaseni, White, and Basabe. If any of those players make a mistake they are on the bench immediately. If Woody, Oglewinkel, McCabe, or Marble play like 5th graders then they remain in the game for extended periods.

Enough of this crap. Enough of an 11 man rotation that truly has no rhyme or reason to it. Enough of playing mid-tier D1 players extended minutes because you 'think' you have depth. Get the best 7 or 8 players in a tight rotation and leave them alone.

And please - put this McCabe issue behind us by doing the right thing and suspending him for his actions. If suck a big fat one wasn't enough, then this thuggary should be the icing on the cake.
I agree with the OP that Iowa fans shouldnt be defending him, but couldnt it have gone into one of the other McCabe threads?

Edit- After reading the entire post I partly agree with the OP.

Nobody should be defending what McCabe did at the end of the game last night, it was dirty.

But to compare him to Pierre Pierce is beyond stupid.

Everything after the 2nd sentence of your 4th paragraph is just asinine, IMO.
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Trust me, it's already been said. One of my posts lobbying for Uthoff to get his minutes was several paragraphs long. There's a huge problem with the McCabe situation: If he finds his game he could be extremely valuable, as a banger and as a long range guy. That's Fran's problem, he knows how cool it would be to get the old McCabe back.
It truly blows my mind that there are a handful of you that are actually pretending that what we saw last night didn't actually happen.Sure the two players locked arms and neither was willing to backdown.Sure the refs should have stepped in immediately and ended it before McCabe went all WWE on his ***.Sure McCabe has been in a slump for the last 4 years and his career is nearing the end.What he did (McCabe) was inexcusable. It was a blatant attempt to injure another player while on the court and he should have been tossed from the game. Anyone that says otherwise is just blind and willing to defend a player because he happens to play for our team.It was unnecessary and uncalled for. It just adds to the already frustrating season that he is having. It completely ruins Senior night because quite honestly, the kid should receive a 2 or 3 game suspension similar to what happened to Marcus Smart from OK St and the kid from NMSU.McCabe has now turned into the Pierre Pierce of this years team. It's obvious to the outsider that he is a distraction to the team and yet the coach continues to defend (and play) him. Coach loves him. It's rather obvious because he allows him to continue to make the same mistakes over, and over, and over again. He fails to box out, he gets dominated on the glass, he continues to foul like its a stat that all players strive for, he acts like a dick when he's on the court and waves his hands in the air questioning every call that goes against him and yet he still logs double digit minutes.Last night Basabe got his *** chewed for throwing the ball and hitting Clemmons in the hands which caused a turnover on the toss-in. We all saw it. The play was pretty obvious as Basabe was trying to make Clemmons aware that he should run more of a 90* angle instead of the 45* because he had a trailing defender. Clemmons looks away for a second but looks back and Basabe throws the ball in. Following the turnover Fran calls a TO and chews the living hell out of Basabe - BASABE! - when it wasn't even his fault. Basabe gets pulled and doesn't see the floor again until scrub minutes. In the meantime captain GFY on Twitter remains in the game when he leaves the backside of the zone open for wideopen dunks and tip ins. Fran pulls the same **** on Gesell, Olaseni, White, and Basabe. If any of those players make a mistake they are on the bench immediately. If Woody, Oglewinkel, McCabe, or Marble play like 5th graders then they remain in the game for extended periods. Enough of this crap. Enough of an 11 man rotation that truly has no rhyme or reason to it. Enough of playing mid-tier D1 players extended minutes because you 'think' you have depth. Get the best 7 or 8 players in a tight rotation and leave them alone. And please - put this McCabe issue behind us by doing the right thing and suspending him for his actions. If suck a big fat one wasn't enough, then this thuggary should be the icing on the cake.
I tended to agree with you up until you compared McCabe to PP. You do realize that Pierce was a sexual predator, don't you? One guy is a frustrated senior. The other guy is a felon.
Coming around to the fact that whatever is wrong with this team may not be fixable this season. Fran is doing well with the lip service during interviews, but that is wearing thin.
It truly blows my mind that there are a handful of you that are actually pretending that what we saw last night didn't actually happen.

Sure the two players locked arms and neither was willing to backdown.
Sure the refs should have stepped in immediately and ended it before McCabe went all WWE on his ***.
Sure McCabe has been in a slump for the last 4 years and his career is nearing the end.

What he did (McCabe) was inexcusable. It was a blatant attempt to injure another player while on the court and he should have been tossed from the game. Anyone that says otherwise is just blind and willing to defend a player because he happens to play for our team.

It was unnecessary and uncalled for. It just adds to the already frustrating season that he is having. It completely ruins Senior night because quite honestly, the kid should receive a 2 or 3 game suspension similar to what happened to Marcus Smart from OK St and the kid from NMSU.

McCabe has now turned into the Pierre Pierce of this years team. It's obvious to the outsider that he is a distraction to the team and yet the coach continues to defend (and play) him.

Coach loves him. It's rather obvious because he allows him to continue to make the same mistakes over, and over, and over again. He fails to box out, he gets dominated on the glass, he continues to foul like its a stat that all players strive for, he acts like a dick when he's on the court and waves his hands in the air questioning every call that goes against him and yet he still logs double digit minutes.

Last night Basabe got his *** chewed for throwing the ball and hitting Clemmons in the hands which caused a turnover on the toss-in. We all saw it. The play was pretty obvious as Basabe was trying to make Clemmons aware that he should run more of a 90* angle instead of the 45* because he had a trailing defender. Clemmons looks away for a second but looks back and Basabe throws the ball in. Following the turnover Fran calls a TO and chews the living hell out of Basabe - BASABE! - when it wasn't even his fault. Basabe gets pulled and doesn't see the floor again until scrub minutes. In the meantime captain GFY on Twitter remains in the game when he leaves the backside of the zone open for wideopen dunks and tip ins.

Fran pulls the same **** on Gesell, Olaseni, White, and Basabe. If any of those players make a mistake they are on the bench immediately. If Woody, Oglewinkel, McCabe, or Marble play like 5th graders then they remain in the game for extended periods.

Enough of this crap. Enough of an 11 man rotation that truly has no rhyme or reason to it. Enough of playing mid-tier D1 players extended minutes because you 'think' you have depth. Get the best 7 or 8 players in a tight rotation and leave them alone.

And please - put this McCabe issue behind us by doing the right thing and suspending him for his actions. If suck a big fat one wasn't enough, then this thuggary should be the icing on the cake.

I agree with you, except... "this year's Pierre Pierce"? Really? I think you are waxing a tad hyperbolic there. Pierce is a rapist; a felon.
Jon please ban metahawk immediately for trying to skirt the profanity filter. TIA.
My point is that flaunting the fact that you didn't read something means absolutely nothing.

TL DR was once cool / funny / whatever, but perhaps that time has passed. Just something to think about. Or am I not allowed to respond to your brilliant use of TL DR.
I am not defending McCabe because that is not my responsibility. The officials saw the play live; they studied it on the monitor; they discussed the options they had; they made a decision. Double foul; tech on McCabe; no level two foul on McCabe; no ejection from the game. Try looking at the facts of the matter. Thanks.
Coming around to the fact that whatever is wrong with this team may not be fixable this season. Fran is doing well with the lip service during interviews, but that is wearing thin.

There's nothing "wrong" with this team. We hit a tough stretch where we got cold right at the time we hit a road-heavy portion of our schedule. Syracuse and every B1G upper-tier team has experienced it. Michigan was lucky theirs hit before conference play. We're cold, that's it. Luckily we have 2 games minimum to right the ship.
My point is that flaunting the fact that you didn't read something means absolutely nothing.

TL DR was once cool / funny / whatever, but perhaps that time has passed. Just something to think about. Or am I not allowed to respond to your brilliant use of TL DR.

Rules are rules bro, and you broke them. Better enjoy your posting before the ban hammer drops. My email has already been sent.
Rules are rules bro, and you broke them. Better enjoy your posting before the ban hammer drops. My email has already been sent.

Do you even remotely understand the concept of typos on a mobile phone - noticing them, and then correcting them? Sorry your angry - lots of frustration is justified - but wow. Take a pill.
Do you even remotely understand the concept of typos on a mobile phone - noticing them, and then correcting them? Sorry your angry - lots of frustration is justified - but wow. Take a pill.

Yeah, lulz. I doubt that is what happened.
Do you even remotely understand the concept of typos on a mobile phone - noticing them, and then correcting them? Sorry your angry - lots of frustration is justified - but wow. Take a pill.

Look I get that you feel bad about it, but it's too late now. You screw up, you pay for your mistakes. Just imagine what this board would be like if there was no moderation? Not a pretty picture and not something either you or I want. I would expect Jon to come down pretty easy on you so if you play your cards right maybe you will be back before the NCAA tournament. I think you could use some cooling down time any way.
There's nothing "wrong" with this team. We hit a tough stretch where we got cold right at the time we hit a road-heavy portion of our schedule. Syracuse and every B1G upper-tier team has experienced it. Michigan was lucky theirs hit before conference play. We're cold, that's it. Luckily we have 2 games minimum to right the ship.

I thought this too, but so many games in a row with the same issues. Just have a sinking feeling. The excuses aren't working anymore.
I am not defending McCabe because that is not my responsibility. The officials saw the play live; they studied it on the monitor; they discussed the options they had; they made a decision. Double foul; tech on McCabe; no level two foul on McCabe; no ejection from the game. Try looking at the facts of the matter. Thanks.

The fact that the refs enforced the rules as they're written doesn't change the fact that it was a cheap/dirty play by McCabe.

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