How about this new trophy goes to winner of CyHawk SERIES


and for the game, they either do nothing at all or go back to the old one? I can't believe I am suggesting the latter actually.
If -god forbid- the trophy isn't changed by 9/10 then the Hawks need to 'accidentally' drop it in all the excitement. It's really the only honorable choice. A mercy killing, if you will.
dude, there are 4 of these trophy's according to WHOTV. BBall, Womens BBall, Football and the overall series winner. Unless i read it wrong...

There are four trophies for the series, with one going to the overall winner. There are also trophies for football, men's basketball and women's basketball.
How about this new trophy mysteriously disappears, never to be seen again by anyone??? Can someone please make this happen?? Please?
and for the game, they either do nothing at all or go back to the old one? I can't believe I am suggesting the latter actually.

I say no trophy until the fans decides on one with a 60% favorable vote. It's a fans game. Without the fans in the stands there would be no game.
How about this new trophy mysteriously disappears, never to be seen again by anyone??? Can someone please make this happen?? Please?

Yeah really. There used to be a time when this would be just a "Funny College Prank". However, in today's litigious society someone would be going to jail whereas back in the day they'd just chalk it up to good ole shenannigans. Methinks its time we all lightened up a bit and the powers that be took the people's suggestions into consideration, otherwise we are all just held hostage by corporate interests and the police force they buy with our hard earned.
I say no trophy until the fans decides on one with a 60% favorable vote. It's a fans game. Without the fans in the stands there would be no game.

I say put the decision in the players hands. There the one's fighting over it. Or in this case, trying to figure out where to hide it til next year.
Yeah really. There used to be a time when this would be just a "Funny College Prank". However, in today's litigious society someone would be going to jail whereas back in the day they'd just chalk it up to good ole shenannigans. Methinks its time we all lightened up a bit and the powers that be took the people's suggestions into consideration, otherwise we are all just held hostage by corporate interests and the police force they buy with our hard earned.

I think the creation and marketing of this new trophy seems like a funny college prank.
dude, there are 4 of these trophy's according to WHOTV. BBall, Womens BBall, Football and the overall series winner. Unless i read it wrong...

There are four trophies for the series, with one going to the overall winner. There are also trophies for football, men's basketball and women's basketball.

No you read it right, so the question now is, are there 4 of these ugly things or is this for the overall series winner and something different for the other sports that hasn't been announced yet.
This would be perfect because the football team wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment of hoisting this thing up.
Any wagers as to who the first lucky player to get their hands on this trophy is going to be? Or will they all stand around waiting for an equipment manager to haul it to the bus.
The designer of this, if educated, had to graduate from Drake or UNI, because no grad of either school could possibly be held accountable for this.
It should have nothing to do with athletic period. Farmer Of The Year...fine. But nothing related to sports.

It's a nice sculpture but should have a sludge hammer taken to it by the winning team.
No you read it right, so the question now is, are there 4 of these ugly things or is this for the overall series winner and something different for the other sports that hasn't been announced yet.

Ok, so it's like Voldemort's horcruxes in the Harry Potter books. We must hunt them down and destroy them all.
If this trophy is just for the overall series winner, then that's fine, and it's more suitable for that. But if there are 4 of this thing, then "epic fail" doesn't even come close to describing the level of awfulness.

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