How about Bulaga

I wish I could remember the name but a few weeks ago some tool posted that he was having a bad year considering his draft position. What a meat popsicle.

I've been critical in previous posts about Bulaga. Not sure if I'm the tool you are referring to. I don't remember mentioning his draft spot but I could have.

He's given up a lot of sacks this year, one of which Rodgers suffered his first concussion. In one game he was called for 4 penalties.

However, ever since the DET game, he has been a very solid player. He held his own very well against some pretty tough DLs in NY & CHI. ATL & PHI have some solid DLs too so overall he had a pretty impressive last 6 games.
I'm sure there are plenty of Iowa players who have been on Superbowl winning teams. However, Bulaga may be one of the only to have started on a Superbowl winning squad in his rookie year.

Looks like he made an excellent decision in moving up to the next level last season.

Why didn't you stay in college another year Brian? Why?
Ross Verba started on GB's last SB team as a rookie but they lost to Denver.

He was a very good starter for GB for a few years before leaving.
It's not really a big surprise that Brian has a hot girlfriend. He has that whole Tom Brady look going for him.

True story, my Highschool coach said the linemen get all the hot girls, has something to do with being able to thrust the hips. (now if you are picturing Bulaga in that position, I apologize.)

I told him I wasn't going to take the chance and switched from T to QB. :)
Im a big Pack fan and a bigger Hawk fan so I was so glad to see 75 get a ring. When he is ready you will see Bulaga move to LT and anchor the Packer line for the next 10 years.

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