Honesty hour.

Well, if we stop playing 3 guys who can't shoot beyond 6 inches then aren't we losing some physicality?

We desperately need to get bigger, stronger.. we're already fast. We just need a guy or two that can come in and push around with the other teams and do the dirty jobs.

Why do we need to get bigger when teams much smaller than us are doing much better?

Not being big is not the problem, did Woodbury not hold his own fine against teenesse?

Iowa needs more athletes and more room to space the floor. Floor spacing and the ability to drive, kick and then hit shots is what seperates the good teams.
If we held on the lead late vs Tennessee, were probably in the sweet 16 and none of these topics exist. Honestly, people are looking too far into personnel as an issue. The pre-February Iowa team beats that Tennessee team by double digits. Basabe had zero points. Mike Gesell had zero points. Just a flukey end to the year.

Iowa failed to get past your first IF, let alone your hypothetical second and third.
This post isn't due to the fact that we aren't in the Sweet 16, Elite 8, or Final 4.. it's about the obvious need for strength, toughness and tenacity on this team. I didn't say it after the game, I said it partway through the season when I noticed it was evident. Our boys can run, and jump.. but they just can't power down load, get through screens, out rebound the bigger/stronger teams or hold there own typically.
One of the many reasons.

I also wish Iowa could bring in another Doug Thomas kind of guy off the bench.
Why do we need to get bigger when teams much smaller than us are doing much better?

Not being big is not the problem, did Woodbury not hold his own fine against teenesse?

Iowa needs more athletes and more room to space the floor. Floor spacing and the ability to drive, kick and then hit shots is what seperates the good teams.

Me gusta. Apparently our most athletic guy didnt even play bball until late.. Thats no bueno
If you start nailing 3pt shots at an expert clip you are going to have some swagger.

Those Uconn guards are feeling it so they have swagger.

UConn had enough swagger to hit 22.5% of their threes today, about ten percent below the rate Iowa hit them against Sparty in 2 games.
Two things I notice watching other teams, that I miss watching Iowa.

1. Tenacity.

2. Confidence/Swagger

Early in the year, we had a little.. but never much. It just seems like when we get going against more physical teams, we start getting pushed around and lose our edge. We can't play chippy like the Michigan States, Wisconsins, Michigans, ect..

Do you think it's a matter of who we recruit, or currently have as leaders? Or simply we're not coached that way and are meant to be more finesse?

3. Toughness

4. Realistic fans
That is exactly what Michigan plays in the middle. Morgan is listed as 6'8" & 250. Horford is listed as 6'10" & 250. If you believe that either one of them is only two-fifty, I've got some prime ocean front property in Nevada for sale. It'll be worth a fortune when California falls into the sea.

Not to belabor the point, and not that it really matters, but 260 is too much weight to carry on a 6'8" frame. Patric Young, the behemoth whose picture is featured on this thread is 6'9" 245. Reggie Evans was 6'8" 235.

230 range is good. 250 and higher gets into bad weight on a power forward.
This post isn't due to the fact that we aren't in the Sweet 16, Elite 8, or Final 4.. it's about the obvious need for strength, toughness and tenacity on this team. I didn't say it after the game, I said it partway through the season when I noticed it was evident. Our boys can run, and jump.. but they just can't power down load, get through screens, out rebound the bigger/stronger teams or hold there own typically.

Well, in fairness, aren't those things the reason why Iowa isn't in the Sweet 16 or further?

IMO, Iowa needs more athleticism (that will help on both ends of the floor) and more guys who can stretch opposing defenses with a consistent outside shot. Being more athletic will make it easier for our guys to close out quicker on opposing shooters, and easier to beat people off the dribble. Might help on the glass, too.

Let's face it - Iowa's 3 point game isn't much incentive for teams to extend the defense, which makes it harder to spread the floor and create driving lanes. I don't remember the exact numbers, but I thought Iowa was at or near the bottom of the conference in made 3's per game.
Not to belabor the point, and not that it really matters, but 260 is too much weight to carry on a 6'8" frame. Patric Young, the behemoth whose picture is featured on this thread is 6'9" 245. Reggie Evans was 6'8" 235.

230 range is good. 250 and higher gets into bad weight on a power forward.

Theres really no such thing as too much weight per height.
Lebron is 6'8 and easily over 260. Just depends on the frame.
Something to think about. Early in the year Iowa was winning and looking good, getting up and down the floor, scoring at a high pace. Then we all know how we did towards the end.

Keep in mind the new rules changes regarding hands and arm bars and how close games were called. However, games were going well over their two hour preferred length and barely any late game was ever seen from the opening tip. So, officials started to back off, allowing more physicality.

Is there a direct correlation between officials allowing more physical play and Iowa's lack of success? No. But I would not dismiss the idea it added to Iowa's problems.

So what happens next year? Will the NCAA go back to the way it was at the beginning of the year in hopes of making it work? or will they accept the notion they went too far and continue how it was at the end of the year? How teams recruit depends on what direction this will go.

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