Honest question for Rob and Jon

Greg Davis...perfect hire...

History of success...fired...but looking for work, will do what he is told, won't be around that long, won't make waves if Kirk wants to pound the ball into a granite wall, non charismatic personality cherished by Head Coach Vanilla...no competition for dad or the heir.
The sad thing is it was still a more solid hire than his kid
I really can't imagine why any sought after, talented, up and coming OC candidate would even sniff at the OC position with Kirk at the helm...

If you think you have the creativity and talent to be a top notch OC...or head HC in the making...you will have the Kirk Wet Towel hanging over you 24/7. Want to ply your trade with Kirk? Only show allowed is boredom ball, keeping it close, shooting for that magical 7 win season, with the bonus gold at the end. And if you have a leadership/charisma personality...better not show it, other than while playing football video games at home.

GD and Son of Kirk had no where else to go to "shine"...perfect fits, both of them, in their time....at the least in the mind of Kirk...who always seems to have a self serving scheme or two up his sleeve...

The Iowa FB brand is so stale, it is, well, annoying to no end...The Wet Towel Effect
Interesting twist. Alabama wouldn't have made the Playoffs, though, without the Ohio State loss!

In other words, if you have to say it is an "honest question," it probably isn't!

That fact makes me feel good...so good. Not only do I hate OSU, but I really hate 'Bama. So, Go Hawks!
Other than David Raih I can't remember who the other rumored candidates were.
Yeah. Maybe another way of putting it would be "Can I get an adult response on this one?".. but then you're really asking for it from the anonymous tough guys and attention needy.

...and why can't I read any of your posts without hearing a Jack Sparrow voice in my head.

Or Johnny Depp acting like Keith Richards wearing eyeliner........it throws me off a bit.
Maybe it was another postgame podcast where JM went crazy about the offense looking like an alien from the tv series "v" that I had never heard of.
Greg Davis offense required speed at the WR position to force the Defense to back up a couple extra yards from the line of scrimmage. We never have had that kind of talent at WR with Davis here, so the bubble screen/quick pass plays seldom worked the way they did at Texas.

You have 2 options: Recruit better talent or change your offense to take advantage of what talent you do have. Greg Davis did not appear to do either.
Not disagreeing or disputing, but I wonder what his numbers were like as far as total offense, scoring, rushing, & passing. Particularly compared to KOK's time as OC at Iowa...
Im the good looks, I'm not the talent around here. I'm just a pretty face. I'm sure someone could look it up on one of those internet box contraptions. Typically, teams that score more points have a better chance at winning games than those that don't score as many points. So I'm guessing the Texas offense wasnt too bad. A few Heisman trophy candidates, all Americans, high nfl draft picks. Oh wait, there's the differentiator, talented players.
Ich bin das gute Aussehen, ich bin nicht das Talent hier. Ich bin nur ein hübsches Gesicht. Ich bin mir sicher, dass jemand in einem dieser Internet-Box-Geräte nachschlagen könnte. In der Regel haben Teams, die mehr Punkte erzielen, bessere Chancen, Spiele zu gewinnen als solche, die nicht so viele Punkte erzielen. Also ich vermute, der Texas-Angriff war nicht so schlimm. Ein paar Heisman-Trophäenkandidaten, alle Amerikaner, hohe nfl-Entwürfe. Oh warte, da sind die Unterscheidungsmerkmale, talentierte Spieler.

Greg Davis offense required speed at the WR position to force the Defense to back up a couple extra yards from the line of scrimmage. We never have had that kind of talent at WR with Davis here, so the bubble screen/quick pass plays seldom worked the way they did at Texas.

You have 2 options: Recruit better talent or change your offense to take advantage of what talent you do have. Greg Davis did not appear to do either.

Record number of consecutive road victories 2015 thru 2016.
Record number of wins in 2015.
First Rose Bowl in 25 years.
^^^^ These are Kirk's accomplishments during Greg's tenure.

2016---->losing to an FCS program
^^^These are Greg's accomplishments.

Funny how kool-aid affects the mind.
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I really can't imagine why any sought after, talented, up and coming OC candidate would even sniff at the OC position with Kirk at the helm...

And yet Barta received over 100 applications for the position. Guess how many were interviewed?

“He’s 50 times smarter than I am. That’s a good thing, you’ll all be glad to know that.”


Kirk Ferentz: 'He knows what works here and what doesn't work'
This year certainly proved the last 3 words were correct.
Yeah. Maybe another way of putting it would be "Can I get an adult response on this one?".. but then you're really asking for it from the anonymous tough guys and attention needy.

...and why can't I read any of your posts without hearing a Jack Sparrow voice in my head.

Those guys showed up. When people (like Thawki) complain the board is slow, they're the reason why. They're board-killers. You have to feel sorry for their co-workers at the meat plant.
Always cracks me up when people add words like, "Honest Question, to tell the truth and so on". Does that mean that if you don't add that,, then you aren't telling the truth or being honest? Or should integrity be questioned? Honest Question :cool:

You have a point. But then you read the replies and realize that no matter how you word anything the replies will be agenda-driven.