Home field advantage

Is next year the year that kinnick really gets rockin' again with home games against OSU, PSU, and Wisky. I don't know about you guys but I feel its intimidation factor has declined in recent years. Don't get me wrong I still think it gets loud, but a fews years back it was reagarded as possibly the loudest in the big10 by several analysts, including kirk herbstreit.
I love kinnick, but you have to admit that some of the traditions and cheers are pretty lame. Its like a jazz concert between quarters and at media timeouts...
This year it certainly lost some of its edge but this was just an odd year altogether and the hostile environment should be back next year.
I still am not convinced that the sterility of that new turf has not hurt our home field edge. Vistors have one less quirk to adjust to when they come out...now they get perfect footing, perfect flatness...like arena ball or something.
I used to work with a women who's husband worked with the people that play music for Kinnick. They old farts in charge didn't want to play songs like zombie nation and others that really got the place rocking. I think that is really dumb. They old farts that were in charge wanted to maintain the class of Kinnick, which I'm all for, but not playing songs because they will get the crowd a little rowdy is dumb.
The reason it was down this is because all the big games were away the only big one was Michigan and maybe Arizona and for those games Kinnick seemed to be at its top. It will be interesting to see how Iowa does though since we have all these big games here this year. Iowa seemed to play better away then at home for whatever reason I dont know.
It was easy to get "up" for the road games last season - they were all potential losses unless we brought our A-game.

My fear is that next season we will rock Kinnick for the same reason (big games), but then let-down on the road games because they are against lesser opponents. This may be KF biggest obstacle to overcome next year.

But I have faith, WE'LL BE READY!!! Go Hawks!
I am kind of into English Football, and my favorite team is Liverpool. At their stadium Anfield, they have a sign leading onto the field that reminds opponents exactly what they are getting into...This is Anfield.


I think it would be awesome if someone associated with the team, or heck, even a group of devoted fans, could organize somthing like that. Remind the opponents that they are in Iowa, Kinnick Stadium, and it will not be a pleasant visit.

I love kinnick, but you have to admit that some of the traditions and cheers are pretty lame. Its like a jazz concert between quarters and at media timeouts...

Somebody call 911 - shorty fire burnin on the dance floor......

You dont think the other team finds that intimidating when its played during media TO's?
I was at every game and I thought the crowd was loud when it called for it to be.As far as NW, they've owned us the last few years and the crowd wasn't the reason we lost.There hurry up offense and 3 step drop with quick passes was why we got beat.The fans show up every game and know one game is more important than the one your playing that week.I suppose we should blame the students next.
I think we should just blast some Sweet Caroline. That really gets me goin! :rolleyes:

So the last ISU game I went to was the game they lost to Kent St in Chiziks first game... I made fun of them for playing Sweet Caroline after a Kent St touchdown to go ahead.

Then what happens... a few years later I am at the Iowa vs UNI game and we play the stupid song when Iowa is losing to UNI...

yeah... "good times never seemed so good, so good, so good".... REALLY???

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