HN TV: Gary Barta Moving Ahead from Meyer-Griesbaum Cases


Iowa athletics director Gary Barta met with the media Tuesday for the first time since a pair of lawsuits cost the department $6.5 million in May. Watch what he had to say on HN TV:

So, he won't mention specifically what 'tactical' changes he has made or will make. I would assume that he is now documenting employee performances or lack of more than he has. Please tell me I'm not wrong, Gary.
So, he won't mention specifically what 'tactical' changes he has made or will make. I would assume that he is now documenting employee performances or lack of more than he has. Please tell me I'm not wrong, Gary.

Well you would hope that he's started documenting stuff.

If employee yells at his or her boss or other employees, document it.
If employee fails to do his/her job continually despite continual reminders, document it.
If employee goes out of his/her way to not get along with anyone in the office, document it.
If employee sabotages the mission statement of your organization, document it.

See Gary, it's really not that difficult.
Well you would hope that he's started documenting stuff.

If employee yells at his or her boss or other employees, document it.
If employee fails to do his/her job continually despite continual reminders, document it.
If employee goes out of his/her way to not get along with anyone in the office, document it.
If employee sabotages the mission statement of your organization, document it.

See Gary, it's really not that difficult.

Management 101. Still hard to fathom he didn't do any of this with GreaseBomb and Meyer
I see stress lines in his face and stress in his eyes. My profession dictates that I am aware of determining body language and not just listening to words.

He talks about having people's full support. He once said that about Lickliter. Two games later Todd was gone.
I will give him this; under his leadership the overall sports facilities have greatly improved. The question now is whether or not the success of the sports programs will follow suit and we will see a continued up tick is overall improvement in the success of the sports programs.

He spoke briefly about how maintaining coaching staffs has led to consistency The sports programs have been pretty consistant, but there is a very fine line between consistency and stagnation. Fran appears to be trending up and we will know within a couple of years whether that is true or an illusion. Kirk is more of a mystery in my opinion. I am hopeful that he too will move the football program in an upward direction. Again we will know fairly soon if the coaching changes can inject some energy and excitement into the program. If not and things stay the same then we will soon know that Kirk has become a professional dairy farmer who knows how to milk things out to the last drop.
Why in the HELL is this guy still in Iowa City with a job at the University!? To say the reserves have been wiped out is an understatement. Good thing we have Big Ten Network money or the U would be in a disaster financially. The guy is drag on all Iowa athletics. Broom the tool now and get him out of town.
I see stress lines in his face and stress in his eyes. My profession dictates that I am aware of determining body language and not just listening to words.

He talks about having people's full support. He once said that about Lickliter. Two games later Todd was gone.
I will give him this; under his leadership the overall sports facilities have greatly improved. The question now is whether or not the success of the sports programs will follow suit and we will see a continued up tick is overall improvement in the success of the sports programs.

He spoke briefly about how maintaining coaching staffs has led to consistency The sports programs have been pretty consistant, but there is a very fine line between consistency and stagnation. Fran appears to be trending up and we will know within a couple of years whether that is true or an illusion. Kirk is more of a mystery in my opinion. I am hopeful that he too will move the football program in an upward direction. Again we will know fairly soon if the coaching changes can inject some energy and excitement into the program. If not and things stay the same then we will soon know that Kirk has become a professional dairy farmer who knows how to milk things out to the last drop.
With the exception of baseball and like you said maybe Fran is trending up where have Iowa sports programs taken us...NOWHERE. I guess we did get to go to the Rose Bowl and get embarrassed in front of a national TV audience so we got that going for us.
Why in the HELL is this guy still in Iowa City with a job at the University!? To say the reserves have been wiped out is an understatement. Good thing we have Big Ten Network money or the U would be in a disaster financially. The guy is drag on all Iowa athletics. Broom the tool now and get him out of town.

Not disagreeing w/ the gist of the above. Would like to someday hear a Regent Board Member ask why whomever represented the U of I, Regents, taxpayer, etc. - advised or thought that going to trial was the best strategy?? What made them think this case was winnable??? The people who had the final say on that decision should pay half of the $6.5M.
If he weren't an old white dude, he would have been fired the minute the verdict passed through the lips of the judge. Make no mistake, this is the classic good ole boys treatment.
If he weren't an old white dude, he would have been fired the minute the verdict passed through the lips of the judge. Make no mistake, this is the classic good ole boys treatment.

Actually this couldn't be further from the truth. This is the good old world of academia and an example of having the right political connections. In the business world this guy would have been cut loose in a heartbeat. Instead he is in a insulated academia setting with all the right political connections, so he is safe in his little cocoon.
Where else but in the elitist-snob world of Academia can you cost your employer $6.5M via your incompetence...and remain employed. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a bonus at the end of the year.

All about the $$$. Gary is good at bringing in the $$$. So $6.5 mill out wasn't enough to negate what he has done and does to bring money in. Everybody makes mistakes and yes to most of us there were obvious ones made, but I really believe he let this stuff go and accumulate because he felt she would end up leaving Iowa for a different job and it would resolve in that manner. That is not good either as it implies a leadership issue, but I really believe that is how he was operating for so long and putting up with the issues related to job performance and behavior.
Not disagreeing w/ the gist of the above. Would like to someday hear a Regent Board Member ask why whomever represented the U of I, Regents, taxpayer, etc. - advised or thought that going to trial was the best strategy?? What made them think this case was winnable??? The people who had the final say on that decision should pay half of the $6.5M.

It would likely have been whoever the legal advisors were.
I wonder if the terms negligence and gross negligence are in his contract. This sure looks like a case of gross negligence and as such should be a fireable offense.

If not then this is also on whomever approved the wording of Barta's contract.

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