HN Poll: Who Do you Start at QB v Indiana?

I voted Beathard. He has the stronger arm and can stretch the field in ways Jake can't. For this offense to be effective, they have to have opposing defenses respect both the run and the pass. With CJ in there, they will have to account for the intermediate throws and deep ball at some point in time. That helps open up the running game which has not been spectacular this year due to our offensive schemes (also nicks and bumps with our tailbacks) and opposing defenses not having to worry about the deep ball.

But, I don't think it is a run-way based off of today's performance by CJ. He got better as the game went along and he deserves to start and play unless be becomes to mistake prone. He does have things he needs to continue to improve upon (such as not eating sacks), but that can come with time and he will not get that if he is sitting on the bench. I liked how he made plays with his feet and started throwing balls away instead of forcing things when they were not there. He also did not always look for the big play (made some smart check down throws), but still threw the deep ball late in the game.

But Jake should still be on standby, because this is college football and you never know week to week sometimes. And, I think Ferentz still thinks very highly of Jake and his style of play suits him better. My guess would be if Jake is healthy and does well in practice, he will get the nod in Kirk's mind.

But, sadly, sometimes with our offensive play calling, it does not really seem to matter who is under center.
69-5 beathard atm...

its not so much that rudock isn't any good... its that we yearn for the dream of more offense.

Maybe Beathard can do this?
I don't think Jake is going to lose the starting position since he was injured. I don't think CJ did enough to wow Kirk and take the starting spot from Jake.
CJ. despite his struggles today he keeps the defense from overloading the box and can make throws jake can't.
CJ. JR is a good, smart leader, but if CJ can improve his pocket presence and continue to improve accuracy...he opens the run game. Gotta go with CJ.
CJ looks to have more of an upside in the long term. I also think CJ would benefit from another start. There is often good improvement between the first and second starts. Nothing is guaranteed though and Rudock needs to be ready to go. To be honest Rudock hasn't really looked like a starter out there this year, and CJ obviously isn't there yet.
It's time to move to Sunshine. Riddick is pretty much as good as he's gonna get. Sunshine ain't, and even so he's at least equal. Iowa's gonna need substantially more offense and sunshine is the one who can create it.

Gerg Derpvus has got to get the playmakers open in space and deep and exploit sunshine's release and range. Gerg is basically incompetent tho so don't expect rational optimal maximization.
Being a Hawkeye living in Nashville, I gotta love the whole idea of a local boy chucking the ball for the Hawks. IMO, I would stay with CJB for the next game. He played incredibly poised against Pitt and his stats and the score would have been a lot better this game if the WRs had half as many drops. If that was the case, the Hawks should have had at least another touchdown. Think of that for a second...a QB's first start, leading an offense to more that 30 points on the road in the B1G. Unfortunately, the WRs kept CJB and the team from achieving that. Either way, I love the situation in Iowa City with 2 incredibly capable quarterbacks. Good things are ahead with either one calling the shots.
Interesting comments above, looks like many of you give the nod to CJ, but have JR on the ready. KF don't make a move with that assessment. KF will not make a move if he isn't 100% fully vested in CJ and that is what this will come down too.

I voted CJ and you don't look back, you make CJ the guy the rest of the year.. I firmly believe that CJ will continue to improve with playing time..
CJ. Shouldn't be a question.

I believe it was Jon that stated he can do everything Jake can but has an upside and I agree.

All he has to do is not make the big mistakes. A pic here or there we can overcome.

But can't continue with the pic 6s.
Jon, listening to your instant reaction. I think KF goes with CJ because if he goes with JR and the offense does sputter; as you said, the boo-birds will be out. That could hurt JR's confidence. The percentage play for KF is to let CJ play and, if CJ sputters, the fans will see that you can't have the qb competition go into game 3 of the B1G season. That would make for an easier transition back to JR. If CJ doesn't spit the bit, then we'll have a new starter that has the potential to be a high, high caliber qb, if not, elite, in due time.

So, yeah, my vote is CJ.
we are a delusional lot. Jake will start if he is healed up. That's just as easy to predict as weisman left on 1st and 10.
This is how I see it. Cj has the stronger arm, but his internal clock on drop backs needs to improve. Took too many sacks. He was throwing a bit behind the receivers on many routes. Wrs didn't help him much with the drops that were on target. Both seem to make pretty good decisions. Minus the late throw to the outside that resulted in a pic 6 (stanziesque).
Jake has a knack for moving in the pocket to keep rushers from having a stationary target, but recently seems to get happy feet. His deep ball isn't as threatening as cjs. I would like to see more of beathard as I think his deficiencies are more coach able, but what is Kirk more comfortable with....I have no idea.

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