HN Bowl Trips


Well-Known Member
I will ask this question. Hopefully somebody here can answer. Are there ever any kids on the HN bowl trips? I would like to take mine, but I also don't want them surrounded by a bunch of drunks cussing the entire time. I like to have a good time but I think you know what I mean. They are teenagers, not little kids. We just don't have the heart not to take them.

Yes this is a family friendly trip. It's not animal house at all. Most people don't bring kids but most everyone that goes is a parent and they behave accordingly. In the six years I have done bowl trips I have only heard one complaint and that was someone that overslept. Seriously. Well that and a few of our flight home times have been early. But kids are welcome and the environment is hospitable

What will the timeframe be for publishing some costs for the various trips/bowl locations? Or do you guys typically only put it together after it is announced where they will be going?
We took our boys on the 04 Outback and the 05 Cap 1 trips. They were jr high and high school at the time. We had an awesome experience, absolutely no problems at all. Everybody on those two trips had a great time but no one went overboard, or if they did it was not on the charter or during any of the official HN festivities.

Those were two of the best trips we have ever taken as a family, I would highly recommend it. The $$$ you spend now will be well worth it when you look back on those memories!

What will the timeframe be for publishing some costs for the various trips/bowl locations? Or do you guys typically only put it together after it is announced where they will be going?

We are combining forces with a very familiar organization this year, and will be flying out of DSM, CR and Moline...still with Premiere Sports Travel of course...I will call them today to see if I can make the announcement.
How much have trips cost in the past? I have no idea and would like to plan accordingly. I fully realize costs change all of the time and that if...errr WHEN the Hawks go to the Rose Bowl the costs will be higher. Just looking for a ballpark/estimate. Thanks!
How much have trips cost in the past? I have no idea and would like to plan accordingly. I fully realize costs change all of the time and that if...errr WHEN the Hawks go to the Rose Bowl the costs will be higher. Just looking for a ballpark/estimate. Thanks!

To piggy back on that question, I'm going to assume that the cost of the trip includes hotel and a game ticket, but that incidentals are up to the individual - but as far as game tickets go, do HN just purchase a block of tickets somewhere in the stadium, or is everyone that goes on the charter scattered about?
I will add my 2 cents on the cost of the bowl trips. First of all, let me say that I think the trips are a great idea if you want to spend the extra $$$$$. But if you are willing to do the research, you can go a lot cheaper. My wife and I went to the Outback Bowl vs S. Carolina and I checked the cost of the bowl trip with 2 different charter companies. HN was somewhat cheaper than one based in IC. The charter out of IC wanted approx $3000 for the 2 of us to go. I understand all the convenieces that go with the charter, but I was able to book a hotel (1 block from where the Hawks were staying and coincidentally the same hotel the charter from IC was staying), airfare for 2, rented a car for 5 days, and got game tickets the the UI ticket office for a total of $1400 for both of us. Let me also say we were on a calling list to be notified when the prices came out. We had intended to go on the charter until I checked out other options.

Now for the inconveniences of our trip: airfare (2 stops down and 1 stop back to Omaha). Only extra cost was gas to Omaha instead of DSM and not flying out of DSM. We had to carry our own luggage instead of having it delivered to our room. Rental car. Didn't really consider this an 'inconvenience because is was fun to explore the Tampa area.

Again, I'm not 'anti charter' but for us saving over $1600 was worth the inconveniences. If you are willing to pay the extra $$$$, the charter is great. I guess it all depends what your definition of a 'few extra $$$$' is.
To piggy back on that question, I'm going to assume that the cost of the trip includes hotel and a game ticket, but that incidentals are up to the individual - but as far as game tickets go, do HN just purchase a block of tickets somewhere in the stadium, or is everyone that goes on the charter scattered about?
Our trips do not include the tickets in the base price, because a number of people like to get the tickets themselves...however, we can add in the tickets and get them for you. that is a discussion you have when making the reservation.
Our trips do not include the tickets in the base price, because a number of people like to get the tickets themselves...however, we can add in the tickets and get them for you. that is a discussion you have when making the reservation.

Jon, I know I ask this often, but will you have a non-airfare option this year? I am flying back from the Bahamas on the 30th and will route myself accordingly from Miami when we know where to go. Unless ya'll wanna come pick me up, of course!
I have gone to 2 bowels using Jon's trips. It is a little more expensive then doing it on your own, but very well organized and well worth the money.
I have gone to 2 bowels using Jon's trips. It is a little more expensive then doing it on your own, but very well organized and well worth the money.

I'm not sure I'm interested in Jon's trips if they have anything to do with "bowels" . . .
We took our boys on the 04 Outback and the 05 Cap 1 trips. They were jr high and high school at the time. We had an awesome experience, absolutely no problems at all. Everybody on those two trips had a great time but no one went overboard, or if they did it was not on the charter or during any of the official HN festivities.

Those were two of the best trips we have ever taken as a family, I would highly recommend it. The $$$ you spend now will be well worth it when you look back on those memories!

Thanks a ton for that info!
Jon, I know I ask this often, but will you have a non-airfare option this year? I am flying back from the Bahamas on the 30th and will route myself accordingly from Miami when we know where to go. Unless ya'll wanna come pick me up, of course!

Yes, that is called a Land Only package, and we will be offering those.

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