Hlas: Reason DJK was suspended


Well-Known Member
Do yourself a favor and read Mike's article, it's one of his best:

...Ferentz said it was because Colin Sandeman “had a better week of practice.â€￾ Johnson-Koulianos told someone it was because of a flippant remark he made to Ferentz on the day before the game. That’s small potatoes now.

Wow. DJK. How discouraging. How dumb. | TheGazette
Nice article and he is correct we all have more important things. I wish DJK well and hope he gets his life turned around end of story for me.
...and those flippant remarks continued after that game. These were the things I was alluding to in my post last week. There were more issues than the recent drug discovery.
Great column for many reasons. One admittedly minor thing: it really calls into questions how much we can ever really know about people-- even our close friends, teammates, etc. Hlas is a very perceptive guy, and he spent 90 minutes with DJK in the very same house where he just got arrested and never suspected anything other than the guy has a pretty big ego. Ferentz could send minions out to check on these guys every day, and those who want to break the rules (and the law) are still going to figure out ways to do it. It just comes with the territory.
Maybe I am too old school or naive, but if a player makes a flippant remark to a coach, his butt should ride pine. Period. I thought Ferentz and O'Keefe put up with way too many of Drew Tate's antics (even if they were warranted :) You simply cannot have a player EVER show up a coach, even if it is the best player on the team. I said before the drug stuff came to light that I don't blame Ferentz for keeping DJK in the doghouse for 4 years and not telling us why. Rather, it seems to me (and I said this before the drug incident) that he should have come down much harder on DJK for the constant pattern of behavior.
Does anybody know if DJK was acting this way all season or if it just started around the Minnesota game? I wonder if there was a pattern of behavior that started flagging that something was wrong.
He'd been in and out of the "doghouse" since he stepped foot on campus. His dad even referred to him finally being "out of the doghouse" during the Orange Bowl pep rally

So, has McCorf, who couldn't wait to post how DJK had been so mistreated previous to this, weighed in on the drug use admission and arrest yet? If so, I missed it.
I agree with Hlas completely. I also feel the same way about the importance of this. I would have loved to see DJK as a pro bowler with a long and prosperous career, however that's not the case and I'm ready for the next reciever. I hope it's not the end for him, but if it is, I'm over it.