Hire Lon Kruger

I went over to the UNLV boards and asked about Lon and the majority said he is happy at UNLV. He enjoys Vegas and is building a brand new house out there. Also they say he is looking at the PAC-10 if anything. He has coached in the Big 10 and then left. I think he is happy with where he is at right now, he has the #1 high school right in his backyard for recruiting.

FYI: UNLV will get beat by UNI sorry but Thug Ball doesn't handle slow paced basketball
UNI 61

Right, because UNI has played so many good teams that its obvious they will beat UNLV. Man I would go so far as to say they would have to be favored to beat Kansas in the 2nd round............ Grow up Peter Pan
Well looks like we got a UNLV troll wondering over to the hawkeye boards!

sorry but the best team in your conference is coached by steve alford! Seriously steve alford. That is pretty pathetic, the guy doesn't even know what winning in the NCAA is.

But best of luck to the UNLV Running and Gunnin rebels. Should be a good game, but UNI is better than the MWC. MVC 5 MWC 4. I think it sums it up right there.
Kruger left the illini for 5 year 15 million dollar deal with the Atlanta Hawks...got paid every penny,and is now on easy street in Vegas....doubt he will go anywhere.
Well looks like we got a UNLV troll wondering over to the hawkeye boards!

sorry but the best team in your conference is coached by steve alford! Seriously steve alford. That is pretty pathetic, the guy doesn't even know what winning in the NCAA is.

But best of luck to the UNLV Running and Gunnin rebels. Should be a good game, but UNI is better than the MWC. MVC 5 MWC 4. I think it sums it up right there.

Did you just say the MVC got 5 bids? Cause if you did....... did you combine the women's and men's bids?
Kruger has turned down a half dozen teams during the last 3 years, and is totally secure in his position. He has backing from the AD, President, Boosters and most importantly, CoachTarkanian and the past Rebel greats. He was able to raise $12 million in donations for a new BB practice facility as an example of his relationship with major boosters.

He is a golf fanatic and enjoys his Country Club privilages provided by UNLV on a 12 month basis, something he couldn't do in a cold weather location. His wife is very involved in community programs, as is Lon, and his daughter (a doctor) has moved to Las Vegas from Florida with her husband to be close to Coach and his wife. He is building a large new home near the Golf Course, and every indication is he is very happy with his life. His buy-out from Atlanta before joining UNLV makes him financially secure and able to live nicely on his $1 million plus annual salary, which will probably be increased soon. The Rebels have an average attendance of almost 14,000 per game, and Kruger has bonuses tied to attendance.

While I'm sure Coach is flattered by any team considering to lure him away, he seems to have put down roots and found a comfort zone at UNLV. If he goes below 20 wins 2 seasons in a row, he could hit a rough patch, but for the above stated reasons most teams would probably spend their time and money more wisely looking elsewhere.
Delusional to think Lon would leave UNLV for Iowa. Not to mention the previous points mentioned in the posts above, he also loves to golf. And an arm pit like Iowa City certainly isn’t going to compete on that level, or any other level as a desired destination to live over Vegas. Perhaps the impressive 10-22 record will help lure him over. Do you have any premier golf clubs boosters can give him the hook up? Ok ok, you guys did sweep Indian this year (but who didn’t?).

As far as the NIU winning tomorrow. Again, delusional. UNLV will spank them just like we did Kent State the last time we went up against a MVC school in the tourney.

Anyway, good luck on your quest for a new head coach.
Delusional to think Lon would leave UNLV for Iowa. Not to mention the previous points mentioned in the posts above, he also loves to golf. And an arm pit like Iowa City certainly isn’t going to compete on that level, or any other level as a desired destination to live over Vegas. Perhaps the impressive 10-22 record will help lure him over. Do you have any premier golf clubs boosters can give him the hook up? Ok ok, you guys did sweep Indian this year (but who didn’t?).

As far as the NIU winning tomorrow. Again, delusional. UNLV will spank them just like we did Kent State the last time we went up against a MVC school in the tourney.

Anyway, good luck on your quest for a new head coach.

You made an account to post that??? The educational system in Nevada must not be very good. You play UNI, they are from Iowa. NIU is from Illinois. If you beat Kent State then you beat a team from the MAC conference. The team you play is from the Missouri Valley:)
UNI, NIU, MAC, MVC .... Iowa, India, Indiana .... it's all the same. Spankings will be a plenty, come judgment day.
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Kruger has turned down a half dozen teams during the last 3 years, and is totally secure in his position. He has backing from the AD, President, Boosters and most importantly, CoachTarkanian and the past Rebel greats. He was able to raise $12 million in donations for a new BB practice facility as an example of his relationship with major boosters.

He is a golf fanatic and enjoys his Country Club privilages provided by UNLV on a 12 month basis, something he couldn't do in a cold weather location. His wife is very involved in community programs, as is Lon, and his daughter (a doctor) has moved to Las Vegas from Florida with her husband to be close to Coach and his wife. He is building a large new home near the Golf Course, and every indication is he is very happy with his life. His buy-out from Atlanta before joining UNLV makes him financially secure and able to live nicely on his $1 million plus annual salary, which will probably be increased soon. The Rebels have an average attendance of almost 14,000 per game, and Kruger has bonuses tied to attendance.

While I'm sure Coach is flattered by any team considering to lure him away, he seems to have put down roots and found a comfort zone at UNLV. If he goes below 20 wins 2 seasons in a row, he could hit a rough patch, but for the above stated reasons most teams would probably spend their time and money more wisely looking elsewhere.

Happy or not UNLV is UNLV. They are never going to get back to the 90's era. I am a Hawkeye fan first, and then I am all UNLV. Grew up watching that group in the 90's and have always stayed a fan.

Lon is 57 years old. Maybe he is tied down and happy where he is. But I would think he would like to have one more run at a final four. I am not saying he would be able to get Iowa there, but I do believe that he would have a better chance here than UNLV. As far as job security he wouldn't need it here. He would again get a multi million dollar contract. If after three years its still not going well for him he would be gone, and retire a little early. But would have a lot more money in his pocket from Iowa then he would at UNLV. I would think he would want one more run, but maybe my eyes are a little too cloudy over to think he would have a good shot at it here with what used to be a respectable Big Ten team.

Another point at what time in his career has he ever shown that he is ready to tie down and stay at one location?
From all the reports I have read, they are both quite happy in Las Vegas, especially his wife, which means he is going no where...
Delusional to think Lon would leave UNLV for Iowa. Not to mention the previous points mentioned in the posts above, he also loves to golf. And an arm pit like Iowa City certainly isn’t going to compete on that level, or any other level as a desired destination to live over Vegas.

Apart from great weather I consider Vegas an arm pit, and would pick IC every time given the choice (Seattle beats 'em both). I do agree Kruger ain't coming.







He was asked about the job today, and he didn't say he wasn't interested. If he shows interest would we have to go after him?
Why do so many people think hiring a coach from a mid-major is a bad thing? The been there/done that argument is weak at best. I once choked on a bagel when I was young but fortunatley for me, I didn't quit eating.
As has been pointed out countless times, many great coaches in various sports started out in a mid-major. It's called the evolution of a career. Bo, Woody, Hayden, Lute, Dr.Tom, etc. etc. etc.
The trick is in having a keen eye for major league potential. I'm giving Barta a mulligan and believing that he has become much wiser with experience. time will tell if I am right on this.
Why do so many people think hiring a coach from a mid-major is a bad thing? The been there/done that argument is weak at best. I once choked on a bagel when I was young but fortunatley for me, I didn't quit eating.
As has been pointed out countless times, many great coaches in various sports started out in a mid-major. It's called the evolution of a career. Bo, Woody, Hayden, Lute, Dr.Tom, etc. etc. etc.
The trick is in having a keen eye for major league potential. I'm giving Barta a mulligan and believing that he has become much wiser with experience. time will tell if I am right on this.

Well Ace we have already done the mid-major route, refer to the last decade...... Though maybe you missed that because the time just flew by cause it was so darn fun!!!! We need somone who will sell seats right away, and has proven the ability to win at a big conference school.
Well Ace we have already done the mid-major route, refer to the last decade...... Though maybe you missed that because the time just flew by cause it was so darn fun!!!! We need somone who will sell seats right away, and has proven the ability to win at a big conference school.

No, Slick, we need someone that can take the program forward, and that someone could very well come from a mid-major. It's not about where they've been, it's about having the vision to see where thay can go. To dismiss someone simply because they are now in a mid-major is myopic at best. To dismiss someone because they are from a mid-major and we already tried that is beyond senseless. Perhaps you've overlooked the fact that one of our more recent former coaches has his team ranked #8, has a #3 seed at the Big Dance, and has his basketball program rocking. All at a mid-major!!! So as you can see, there is nothing inherently wrong with a coach at a mid-major.
Vegas for Iowa at his age? I don't see it. He seems like he wants to stay out west where he can retire in the sun and warm weather. There are still better recruiters out there that we can get. Recruiting IS THE KEY. See Josh Pastner or Tony Barbee.

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