Hill"s speed


Well-Known Member
I have read on message boards that Hill lacks speed. If I remember correctly he ran on at least one relay team that won state.
I have read on message boards that Hill lacks speed. If I remember correctly he ran on at least one relay team that won state.

Not sure on his speed, but if he was on one of the sprint relay teams at CF, don't forget James Harrington would have been on that team. Harrington is going to Bama on a track scholarship and is the fastest guy in the state. In Iowa 1 elite guy can carry a sprint relay team, so it wouldn't say that much about his speed if he was on a relay team with him.
I think I read somewhere he runs anywhere from a 4.5 to a 4.9 in the 40. But speed is not the telling story on a running back, it is the vision on being able to see the hole and being able to hit it.
You can find that on the state high school track results page. However, it was a pretty brutal year for Iowa sprinting in general. And CF's win was more to do with Harrington and Toyosi than Hill.

That being said, I really don't know squat about Hill's speed or lack thereof.
I never know what to believe with these 40 yard dash times.

There's a big difference between 4.5 and 4.9.
Hill is not a quick twitched guy, but he sees the field well, runs with good pad level, and is pretty well put together. He will be the kind of Iowa back who will take what he is given and get a few extra yards every play by finishing his runs.
You can tell by watching his tape that he runs faster than a 4.9. Rivals has Hill at about the same speed as Coker coming out of HS(4.55-4.6 range). Certainly not a burner, but serviceable speed. I agree with the poster earlier that with Iowa's blocking scheme great vision can make up for lack of elite speed. His tape seem to show he has great vision and is a good one cut and go runner.
While speed I think speed is a very important part of the position I don't think it is critical. If he runs a 4.5 without pads then fine if he runs a 4.5 on with pads that is another thing.

There are lots of speed guys out there but when they put the pads on it changes. If they guy has decent speed with pads it is all the better. Coker lacked a lot of top end speed but was still successful. How the player moves laterally, hits the hole with quickness and has vision is more important (something I think Coker struggled with last year at times). Prime example is Emitt Smith, not great speed but had good vision and was able to hit the hole. Helped when you had an awesome line too :)

Another quesions is how are his hands? I think Iowa needs to develop more pass plays to the RBs to deviate from some of their formation tendencies.
I will take a 4.5-4.9 guy....just stay F'ing healthy and get to your senior year at Iowa for Tebow sakes.
He is a good athlete as he is an excellent high jumper for his size. As mentioned not blazing fast but probably fast enough and has decent size.
I think I read somewhere he runs anywhere from a 4.5 to a 4.9 in the 40. But speed is not the telling story on a running back, it is the vision on being able to see the hole and being able to hit it.

I had great vision and 4.9 speed. Unfortunately all the holes closed before I got there.
Hill is not a quick twitched guy, but he sees the field well, runs with good pad level, and is pretty well put together. He will be the kind of Iowa back who will take what he is given and get a few extra yards every play by finishing his runs.

That sounds like Adam Robinson to a T. As a Hawkeye fan I will hope that he can avoid participating in certain extracurricular activities.
Fred Russell didn't have blazing speed. Sometimes hitting the holes hard makes up for that. Plus, pure speed guys often just take off and don't let holes develop.

We will have to see what type of vision Hill has, but him not having great speed doesn't concern me at this point.