Hey Jon


Jon work nights get off at 6 a.m. just as you guys are coming on the radio. Looked into trying to download podcasts of the show, but seem to be a little dated. You guys plan on expanding the podcasts at all. I listened to you everyday when you were on in the afternoon, but can't stay up to listen after work. Really miss the show.
They really need to podcast more. At minimum they should podcast every Monday and Friday show during college football season. Those are by far the two best shows of the week. I sometimes record the show on my computer. That could be an option for you.
They really need to podcast more. At minimum they should podcast every Monday and Friday show during college football season. Those are by far the two best shows of the week. I sometimes record the show on my computer. That could be an option for you.
Couldn't agree more.
thank you very much jon. will give me something to listen to when I am driving around all night. Late night radio SUCKS!
This is sweet - the sooner the better! Everyday i go to the KXNO webpage hoping that its updated....for the last week or so i get depressed everytime i see the last podcast is about Iowa State bball and wrestling
Have no fear. Next week I will be taking over the podcasting responsibilities of Miller and Deace in the Morning on KXnO, adding to my duties as the producer of the show. I should have each day's show up and ready by 9am the same day.

If you do begin the podcasting responsibilities, will you record the segments at 128k (like Matt and Miller)? The current bit rate settings of Miller and Deace podcasts are sometimes hard to hear when listening in the car via an iPod dock. Thanks much.

Go Hawks!
Have no fear. Next week I will be taking over the podcasting responsibilities of Miller and Deace in the Morning on KXnO, adding to my duties as the producer of the show. I should have each day's show up and ready by 9am the same day.

Have no fear. Next week I will be taking over the podcasting responsibilities of Miller and Deace in the Morning on KXnO, adding to my duties as the producer of the show. I should have each day's show up and ready by 9am the same day.

Awesome.....thank you!

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