Hey, Jon, know where I can get great deals on software?

I don't know about software, Tweeter, but I know where you can get a bunch of nice fresh SPAM.:)
You would be amazed at the number of spam threads that are picked up and isolated by the anti spam stuff we use...probably 40 a day...and I go in and ban their IP's,,,and they come back as another....its highly annoying and i am sorry for those that sneak through the system...we'll keep working at it.
The site is surprisingly free of SPAM and junk (other than my inane posts) and your diligence is appreciated. It looks like someone got through this morning.

I also deal with a very public site and it is annoying as h*ck.
You would be amazed at the number of spam threads that are picked up and isolated by the anti spam stuff we use...probably 40 a day...and I go in and ban their IP's,,,and they come back as another....its highly annoying and i am sorry for those that sneak through the system...we'll keep working at it.

It happens w/ the forums, all the time, no matter what programming they're using.

Jon, are you requiring email to the user, to a link to prove authenticity? I forget if I had to. Wait, I had an acct pre-setup. How about Captchas?

I think one forum I help admin uses a "question" that has to be genuinely answered in order to get the application sent in, and an admin HAS to read the question/answer and then approve the accounts. Do you get that many account requests per month? Just curious, and suggesting ideas.
It happens w/ the forums, all the time, no matter what programming they're using.

Jon, are you requiring email to the user, to a link to prove authenticity? I forget if I had to. Wait, I had an acct pre-setup. How about Captchas?

I think one forum I help admin uses a "question" that has to be genuinely answered in order to get the application sent in, and an admin HAS to read the question/answer and then approve the accounts. Do you get that many account requests per month? Just curious, and suggesting ideas.

Hundreds and hundreds per month...not sure that is the way to go. I get close to 100 emails per day..and on top of the approvals, that would be a lot.

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