Well... that sounded like Kirk speak for, “I don’t know what’s goin on.”
Maybe there's only so much he can say. There are privacy laws.
This has always been the issue I have with the University allowing school to get in the way of the football program. The football program pays the damn bills...grades should be the least of their worries. The way these kids are taken advantage of by the NCAA and the Universities, school should be an optional requirement. They should have a trade school as an alternative to regular higher education. What trade school kids ain't good enough for these elitist a-holes? We could have an All Automotive All American on our team, and we don't give them the chance.
I agree and disagree. The trade school idea isn’t a bad idea and I could see that being a viable option. The problem is that there already is enormous corruption in college athletics with kids getting passing grades who in some case don’t even show up to class.
We must keep in mind that for every kid that makes it into the NFL there are probably twenty-five or more who don’t. So getting a college degree is very important for those who don’t make it into the NFL. If it takes regulations and expectations to get these kids to do it then so be it.
I can see the trade school option but with all the illegal activity going on already it would be challenging to regulate a trade school environment. A kid comes into the automotive shop where he is suppose to learn automotive skills but instead sits down and has a few beers and lights up a joint then gets up and leaves and goes over to the football complex and practices with his SEC or Ohio State teammates. Yep, I could see that happening on a regular basis.
Umm, me think his comment contained a wee bit of sarcasm...
I'm not sure if you're being serious but if you are ....This has always been the issue I have with the University allowing school to get in the way of the football program. The football program pays the damn bills...grades should be the least of their worries. The way these kids are taken advantage of by the NCAA and the Universities, school should be an optional requirement. They should have a trade school as an alternative to regular higher education. What trade school kids ain't good enough for these elitist a-holes? We could have an All Automotive All American on our team, and we don't give them the chance.
I know you are being a smartass, but you do raise a very valid point.This has always been the issue I have with the University allowing school to get in the way of the football program. The football program pays the damn bills...grades should be the least of their worries. The way these kids are taken advantage of by the NCAA and the Universities, school should be an optional requirement. They should have a trade school as an alternative to regular higher education. What trade school kids ain't good enough for these elitist a-holes? We could have an All Automotive All American on our team, and we don't give them the chance.
I know you are being a smartass, but you do raise a very valid point.
I have had so many people, from extremely educated to just avg people ask where I went to school at and then why I didn't. I have always said I don't like the structure of it. Maybe I want to sit in physics class/lab and some philosophy or phycology classes. I just want to wander around and learn about things that facinate me. Let someone else worry about if that equals a degree.
From the standpoint of earning a degree this does not fit the mold. From a does this qualify as a full time student? Absolutely. I figure there is surely enough for me to learn just walking around a university to keep me occupied for 10 years. After all that is done, then it could be discussed what crap and bs I "have" to attend and learn for a degree. Basically I don't like the whole electives set up. It's boring and basically forced upon. However if I learned what I wanted and then some years later someone said oh btw, if you take a few of these (bs classes) you would have a degree in ______. I would be much more receptive to that idea.
Exactly my point.I’d say a bachelors degree in football from the university of Iowa is about as useful as 90% of the other degrees handed out there. Once you get out of the STEM fields and healthcare options, no college degree given at any university carries weight anymore.