Here Is The Solution!


Well-Known Member
Well, it's obvious there are a few on this site that really like Steve Forbes. So, I think I've come up with a solution that we can all be happy with.

1) Barta hires Gregory as the head coach. Obviously, he's loved at Dayton by the boosters and fans, he's a great recruiter, has experience as a head coach and knows what it takes to win in the Big 10.

2) Gregory hires Forbes as his 1st assistant. This way, Forbes will land a promotion, will have the next best thing to his dream job and can move his family back home. He could then learn what it takes to win in the Big 10, build relationships with people in the AAU for recruiting in the midwest and then if Gregory were to ever leave, Forbes would be able to step in with the experience he has gained.

This would be a great combination for Iowa, as I think both Gregory and Forbes have both proven that they are ready for the next step in their careers.
Why would you want to be an assistant at iowa vs tenn? Forbes will not be coming as an assistant. We need to quit this #1, #2 stuff. It is meaningless. If Forbes comes to Iowa, it will be for a head job, unless he's coming with Pearl. His dream job is to be the head at Iowa not #1 asst. You #1/#2 people need to go spend a little time inside a program. Truthfully . . . all the assistants work as hard or harder than most head coaches.
Here's a solution:

Tear down Carver, fill space with concrete and turn space into parking lot for football!!

Per Jon/Deace this morning: Iowa basketball lost -$11/seat this year.
Forbes will not leave UT to be an assistant at Iowa. That would not be a wise career choice. If Barta brings in a mid major coach, I hope Steve Forbes is still available in 3-4 years. Mid major coaches recruit the leftovers and coach them up. Much like Iowa has been doing for the past 3 years. That formula in the majors gets you a 38-58 record.
Well, Tubby Smith, Bo Ryan and several hundred other successful D1 coaches would disagree with you, as many have worked their way up through the mid-major route.
I have no interest in a head coach of a mid major who just got done playing in the NIT! Hell at least our last two mid major coaches made it to the sweet 16.
But you do have interest in a guy who has never been a head coach at the D3, D2 or D1 level?
But you do have interest in a guy who has never been a head coach at the D3, D2 or D1 level?

You continue to say the same things. What is so difficult to understand. Players are much more important than x's and o's. You clearly don't get that. It's not that difficult to comprehend.
You continue to say the same things. What is so difficult to understand. Players are much more important than x's and o's. You clearly don't get that. It's not that difficult to comprehend.

To further your point - x's and o's are not rocket science. There are only so many ways to break a 2-2-1 press.

Recruiting is #1, but more important than x's and o's are in-game adjustments. Forbes, in addition to being a great recruiter, is a smart guy who is cool under pressure.
So how do you know Forbes can recruit when he is actually selling Steve Forbes and not Bruce Pearl or Billy Gillespie? Since he's never done that, I think the answer is a very big unknown. If we were talking about the Drake or UNI job, then I think he'd be worth the gamble. But, we're talking about a Big 10 job and we can and should do better than taking this type of gamble.
2Boys, you do realize that many times a kid goes somewhere because of their relationship with the assistants. They are every bit as important as the head coach. Tyler Smith came to Iowa because of Craig Neal. Read the articles on here for prospective recruits. Almost all of them talk about the coach that is recruiting them and how strong of a bond that they have formed with them. If the recruiting coach doesn't build a strong bond, then there is no chance.

And if you think that just because he'd be a head coach means he wouldn't be recruiting as much, think again. The successful coaches are just as involved in recruiting as their assistants.

And don't forget that Forbes landed a top 10 recruiting class in the country in 2003 when he was at....LOUISIANA TECH. Not LSU, LA Tech. The guy can get players on his own.
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