Here is how Nebraska handles underage drinking bust.

Well I think the legal drinking age should be 18 (you can vote and serve in the military but you can't drink? Puritanical.) so I don't think mere possession of alcohol by a freaking 20 year old is really worthy of much punishment. Somebody has to say it, so I will.

Driving drunk or getting into a drunken rage and fighting is an entirely different story.

agreed. the kid is a senior and was drinking alcohol...whats the story here? as Frank from Police Squad would say, "nothing to see here". this is hardly a big deal and nothing to get worked up about. We on the other hand have a 20 year old that was driving while imparied.
He is a soon to be Senior in the coming fall semester. Paul and was born on Aug. 9, 1989. He will be 21 by the time the season starts. He did not redshirt. alot of time we over look that redshirt yr and assume alot of these guys do.
public intox shouldnt be merit a suspension. Its summer time. Its college.
As long as they werent robbing other students of their cell phones and 4 dollars, they should be left alone.
It looks to me like this is how an Iowa fan whines about Nebraska after reading an incomplete story.

Couldn't you make the same statements about Iowa in situations where KF doesn't meat out his punishment until a week or two after the other punishment comes down. There is no quote from the University here. Who is to say there isn't more to come from the coach. He just hasn't said anything yet.

I could be wrong, but I will give the benefit of the doubt until I am proven wrong.
It looks to me like this is how an Iowa fan whines about Nebraska after reading an incomplete story.

Couldn't you make the same statements about Iowa in situations where KF doesn't meat out his punishment until a week or two after the other punishment comes down. There is no quote from the University here. Who is to say there isn't more to come from the coach. He just hasn't said anything yet.

I could be wrong, but I will give the benefit of the doubt until I am proven wrong.
Nebraska historically and currently are very weak on their punishments. From Johnny "the gas station robber" Rogers, Lawrence Phillips, Thunder Collins, the list goes on. Nothing incomplete in this story. If Pelini suspends he says so right away, he said nothing.