Here is a challenge for you experts: Part deux


Well-Known Member
Name the teams that would:
#1.lose to MSU by less than 12 pts.
#2.Lose to OSU by less than 10 pts
#3. and lose to WIS by less than 19 pts.
I thought an intellectually honest question and answer would be more fitting. Because you can't tell me that "how you lose" means nothing when you are trying to figure out how far away you are from winning a BIG title.

I'll start. #1:ND. Alabama. South Carolina. LSU. OSU. WIS. Oregon. Stanford. Mizzou. Texas A and M. Baylor. Oklahoma. Florida ST. Miami. Nebraska. UCLA. Auburn. Clemosn, Oklahoma St, ASU, Georgia. NIU, Fresno St, Louisville, UCF, Texas, USC,

#2. See list #1.
#3. See list #1 also.
Go ahead and add what teams you think that I left out. I'm sure there are several that have a shot to lose within that criteria.
I'm not sure which other teams in the top 25 would have lost to all three teams. NIU probably. Oklahoma maybe. Maybe Georgia if they still have all their injuries. Maybe Nebraska. Maybe Texas.
Why do you ask?
i only do well with multiple choice tests when it's limited to 4 answers.

also, who cares? a loss is a loss, right? just like a win is a win. yeah, moral victories are great for teams like ISU, and i would be bummed if Iowa had gotten blown out in those games, but at the end of the season, the score doesn't really matter.
Name the teams that would:
#1.lose to MSU by less than 12 pts.
#2.Lose to OSU by less than 10 pts
#3. and lose to WIS by less than 19 pts.
I thought an intellectually honest question and answer would be more fitting. Because you can't tell me that "how you lose" means nothing when you are trying to figure out how far away you are from winning a BIG title.

I'll start. #1:ND. Alabama. South Carolina. LSU. OSU. WIS. Oregon. Stanford. Mizzou. Texas A and M. Baylor. Oklahoma. Florida ST. Miami. Nebraska. UCLA. Auburn. Clemosn, Oklahoma St, ASU, Georgia. NIU, Fresno St, Louisville, UCF, Texas, USC,

#2. See list #1.
#3. See list #1 also.
Go ahead and add what teams you think that I left out. I'm sure there are several that have a shot to lose within that criteria.

I'd love to say Iowa, but we didn't lose to MSU by less than 12, OSU by less than 10 and Wisconsin by less than 19.

I'd also love to say that close losses indicate that Iowa is uber close to a B1G title, but I try not to get my hopes up too much based on close losses because college rosters turn over pretty heavily from year to year. Northwestern this year and Iowa 2010 are great examples of high hopes that are thwarted in no small part by the departure of just a few key guys and having a couple of unlucky bounces. My philosophy is that when you have a guy like Bulaga who can get that extra foot of push, a guy like Angerer who can make that game-clenching turnover and the football gods smile on you with a few great bounces, just enjoy it when it comes because it doesn't come often to Iowa City.
You know what isn't "intellectual", having a topic based completely on a hypothetical where any answers that are given are completely unable to be proven or disproven. What's not a hypothetical is that Iowa lost to MSU, Wisconsin and OSU and last time I checked the only columns in the standings are WIN and LOSS, I don't see anything for CLOSE.
not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this thread besides starting another ******* match. some people have given up on KF, some haven't. just accept it and move on
Good lord, this feels like a question on the LSAT, if person A, sits next to person B, blah, blah, blah.... Clearly, I am not smart enough for this thread so i will depart.:)
You know what isn't "intellectual", having a topic based completely on a hypothetical where any answers that are given are completely unable to be proven or disproven. What's not a hypothetical is that Iowa lost to MSU, Wisconsin and OSU and last time I checked the only columns in the standings are WIN and LOSS, I don't see anything for CLOSE.
It's intellectually honest - I said. As compared to other threads. But you are correct, it doesn't really matter.
not sure what you're trying to accomplish with this thread besides starting another ******* match. some people have given up on KF, some haven't. just accept it and move on

It should be obvious. I am exposing straw men. If you don't like the thread, I suggest you don't respond and just move on. Fair?
don't hurt yourself OP


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