Help! Hawk radio station in cities?


Well-Known Member
I have to be in Minneapolis for a conference tomorrow during the game, but I will be able to sneak a small radio in. Is there a station within range of the cities that has the Iowa game?

I've picked them up on am 1040 in the south metro but if you're downtown thats a longshot at best.

IMO, your best bet is to listen to am 1130 or ESPN radio 1500 and catch score updates, or keep up on your cell phone.
Sorry, don't know of any sports radio stations here in the Twin Cities area that will be carrying the Hawks game. If it was Minnesota-Iowa, sure, but not Iowa-jNW.
Not sure about regular radio station feeds, but if you have a smart phone ( I have an iPhone), download the app "I Heart Radio". You'll be able to stream a few stations in Iowa that cover the game. Always works for me.
I Live in Minnesota and doubt you will get the Iowa game on the radio. If you were in southern Minnesota much better chance. Once you get past Owatonna which is 55 miles south of the cities you will start losing 1040.
Gametracker from ESPN would be just as good. They tell you what happens with no noise. If you have a smart phone that would be the way I would go.