Helmet to Helmet hits?


Well-Known Member
There were quite a few of h to h hits in this game not called. The strangest one was Dejean taking one under the chin with a guy clearly ducking and aiming to do so but more odd yet it was like Cooper didn’t even see it coming. That was the single biggest break of game for Nebby.. without him Ia is down to its 4th string corner and of course it takes 2 bombs before Is changes course. The personal foul roughing the passer the defender clearly launches head first into qb2 and get a penalty but stays in game. It was obvious Nebby was headhunting and it worked… they were able to injur key players and make plays. Don’t get me wrong here Nebby out played Ia but I’m just curious how if player protection is the point like on the punt block attempt call them why aren’t the refs also calling the head hunting.
That was the game

Seems more than obvious they wanted to take Cooper or Riley out of the game as
soon as possible

Couldn't believe they didn't toss that MFer Washington out of the game

Jamison Heinz was too short and a rather inexperienced Sophomore

Evil Bastards
Idk man all I’m saying is there were maybe 7-10 helmet to helmet hits that seemed pretty intentional and not one flag for it … especially after a player get dropped like a sack of potatoes…ud think maybe after that it’d be watched but not one… even when throwing a flag for roughing the passer while leading with ur head and making contact with webs head. In the mail me cooper being out was the game cuz wow what a drop off
Idk man all I’m saying is there were maybe 7-10 helmet to helmet hits that seemed pretty intentional and not one flag for it … especially after a player get dropped like a sack of potatoes…ud think maybe after that it’d be watched but not one… even when throwing a flag for roughing the passer while leading with ur head and making contact with webs head. In the mail me cooper being out was the game cuz wow what a drop off

Thats what I was watching

My son was screaming at the zebras the entire game
The refs must have received the call from Warren..the B1G does not want the Hawkeyes representing in the Title game, due to becoming the media's punchline for every joke this year...B1G wasn't going to be embarrassed. A BS narrative, BTW, however quite real.
The refs must have received the call from Warren..the B1G does not want the Hawkeyes representing in the Title game, due to becoming the media's punchline for every joke this year...B1G wasn't going to be embarrassed. A BS narrative, BTW, however quite real.

The Possibility Exists