Hawks vs NW at Wrigley?!

I think this is only a good idea if your a Cub fan. I went to a game there once and it wasn't a very good place to watch a game. (although it was nice being a cardnal fan and out numbering the Cub fans 2 to 1)
why go play in that dump? NW's stadium is at least a little better

Really? Have you been there? I was absolutely overwhelmed the first time I went there by the crappyness of it. It was like an inner city high school stadium. The puny stadium is in shambles. They have friggin portapotties set up instead of bathrooms. Not to mention we outnumber their fans at their own stadium.
Forget adding a team, I say we drop NW and go back to being the Big Ten and actually play everybody every year.
I'm not defending Wrigley, frankly I don't really care about baseball. I'm just saying NW's stadium is a friggin dump.
I mean really- How do you think the Hawk fans got drunk enough to tear down the goal posts in the dome in '02, THEN try to take them OUTSIDE????
Or get freaky in the bathroom stall in front of dozens of people.... only to later be bailed out of jail later by your husband and girlfriend. (08)

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