Hawks to the combine

Pretty impressive when you look at the other teams # of guys. It is cool that I feel extremely confident in the team that is coming back, even though we lose at least 7 NFL caliber players.
I said after last season that the 2008 Iowa roster would challenge the 2001 roster for the most players to go to the NFL from Iowa...I am still feeling that way
This is extremely impressive - makes me a little nervous for next year. Lots of big holes to fill (literally large holes on the O line)
With all the past Iowa players in the NFL and the ones soon to be you could pretty much have a franchise consisting of nothing but former Iowa players.
Add these names to that list: Shonn Greene, Brandon Myers, Mitch King, Matt Kroul, Seth Olsen, Charles Godfrey, Andy Brodell & Rob Bruggeman. We are talking about a LOT of key to excellent performers leaving the program in the past 13 months.
With all the past Iowa players in the NFL and the ones soon to be you could pretty much have a franchise consisting of nothing but former Iowa players.

It's always been my dream of having an entire fantasy football team made of grads from Iowa, Iowa State, or UNI. Sadly I usually fall short at reciever. Once you get beyond Furney its hard. Hopefully after next year I'll be able to realize my life long goal.

Then I can begin to work on my other goal of moving out of my grandma's basement.
It's always been my dream of having an entire fantasy football team made of grads from Iowa, Iowa State, or UNI. Sadly I usually fall short at reciever. Once you get beyond Furney its hard. Hopefully after next year I'll be able to realize my life long goal.

Then I can begin to work on my other goal of moving out of my grandma's basement.

I need to clarify. I meant University of Iowa players. I think there are more U. of I. players in the NFL than Iowa State and UNI players combined.
Add these names to that list: Shonn Greene, Brandon Myers, Mitch King, Matt Kroul, Seth Olsen, Charles Godfrey, Andy Brodell & Rob Bruggeman. We are talking about a LOT of key to excellent performers leaving the program in the past 13 months.

I assume you meant Fletcher, not Godfrey. Looking at that list actually makes me more confident that things will be OK. There are guys on that list that contributed big this year in the NFL and the hawkeyes were better after they left. Time to reload.
One has to see the upside of this. In the eyes of potential recruits this is one of the best statistics outside the win/loss column we could boast. I believe it was Marcus Coker who said that Shonn Greene's development in the Iowa program is one of the things that made Iowa catch his attention. I know there was article on HN about Greene being a recruiter for Iowa, but in broader terms sending all these guys to the combine is a recruiting gold mine.
I know there was article on HN about Greene being a recruiter for Iowa, but in broader terms sending all these guys to the combine is a recruiting gold mine.

The Iowa coaches had better play this Iowa players to the NFL card for all it's worth; make it abundantly known to all, and harvest this gold mine to the fullest extent possible.
It's always been my dream of having an entire fantasy football team made of grads from Iowa, Iowa State, or UNI. Sadly I usually fall short at reciever. Once you get beyond Furney its hard. Hopefully after next year I'll be able to realize my life long goal.

Then I can begin to work on my other goal of moving out of my grandma's basement.

First things first man, grab that dream while it's in front of you. The outside world aint going anywhere.

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