Hawks to NIT

Dude, you are as depressing as s bag of used F.
Well, for the record I am not an amateur phycologist. Maybe, an amateur gynecologist, if this platform depresses you with some reality, well, sorry about that chief. You know the saying, if looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, shits like a duck, one more, flies like a duck, it must be a duck.
Just not an NCAA caliber team but not all bad. If they get a home game great time to take the kids as tickets will be plentiful and inexpensive
yes sir, got to walk before you run, things can change in the next 10 days, however, don't think this team is ready for Broadway yet.
It's fine to go for the style of play but, after a while, when you see so much inconsistency shooting the ball (which is the foundation of this style) by the highly touted "shooters", consistency on defense - in a bad way, and generally "bubble" level results, it's easy to just cheer from the couch.

There's 1 fix for the guys ... generate excitement via Wins ... period. That doesn't mean Sweet-16 or bust - I don't know a single person who has that expectation year-in / year-out. It means take care of your business when you're supposed to, build some excitement that people want to be a part of and when you're good enough to be there ... GET THERE! Hawks were good enough with Luka and the Kegan but since then it's been eeking in and 1 and done for 5 years.

People are in wait and see mode but I guarantee they'll be back if Hawks start winning a couple they shouldn't and show something to be a part of.
Eeking in and 1 and done for 5 years. Last year we were an 8 seed, the year before we were a 5 seed, the year before we were a 2 seed, the year before we were a projected 5 seed when covid shut it down. Those last 4 years weren't really considered "eeking in".
Eeking in and 1 and done for 5 years. Last year we were an 8 seed, the year before we were a 5 seed, the year before we were a 2 seed, the year before we were a projected 5 seed when covid shut it down. Those last 4 years weren't really considered "eeking in".
We kind of eecked into a ten seed in 2019, and then beat the 7 seed before losing to #2 by only 6 points in OT. That is really 5 qualifying results consecutively. Haven't seen that for more than 40 years, and a BTT Champ, which had not been seen for 16 years when that happened.

Replace a winning coach to gamble gave Iowa the hole from which we emerged.
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