Hawks searching for new sharpshooter

it hard to judge when you post half of the stats %'s really don't tell the wholoe story without how those %'s were gotten.
just like saying player X shot 90 % from the FT line and player Y shot 78%, when in actuality player X shot 9 of 10 and Y shot 78 of 100 big discrepencie and very misleading wouldn't you say?

That's sometimes a good thing to keep in mind. However, Oglesby's 3pm/3pa numbers were posted, and we all know Gatens took plenty of 3's in each of his four years.
The cool thing is that Josh might end up being as good of a player as Matt and never be a starter the rest of his career and Matt was our best player most of his career. Now that's a talent upgrade.
The cool thing is that Josh might end up being as good of a player as Matt and never be a starter the rest of his career and Matt was our best player most of his career. Now that's a talent upgrade.

Congats. You've just won the most stupid post of the year award.
i also likes to talksie in the run-on sentencies cause it makes me fell gud about the basketball team and that josh is already better than matt was at his peak cause gabe is my cousin's mama, so take that to the bank!
like another poster mentioned this team willo be loaded with options, it will be a pick your poisen as to who you try to stop,
not expecting big numbers from Woodbury and Olaseni but 6-7 ppg and 5-6 rpg with 1 bpg would make this a very successful season.
just like with Gesell all i want is for him to repace Cartwright's #'s of 6 ppg 4.8 apg, the best thing is this team returns over 85% of the scoring last year.. 5 of the top 6 scorers and 6 of the top 8. this alone will make this team hard to prepare for.

Not predicting a double double for Olesani?
Both. But especially the content.

Which part is stupid? Josh maybe ending up as good as Matt? Matt being the best player on his team? Josh not being a starter? I agree with the poor sentence structure (it really hits where it hurts to be called out on it) but I don't see how any of those 3 points are stupid.
Really interesting discussion here.

Management, you might consider trashing the whole thing and starting over.
I certainly don't think we've seen enough to say that he's better. But I do think the potential is there. The way he shot at the end of the Indiana and MSU games was damn impressive. The next step is making that happen from the start. Whether that happens or not is up to him. But the potential is there, IMO.

If Marble thinks he is a better shooter than Matt, I will go with that... We have seen what JO is capable of, if he can step it up a notch, we will be sitting pretty....
It all starts in just a few hours. Can't wait!
Josh just needs some late game success to build up his confidence. He has great mechanics and a pretty release but that doesn't mean squat at the end of a ball game. Gatens was a stud because he played his a*@ off through some of the worst basketball teams in Hawk history. Gatens had to carry his team, josh just needs to be a role player and stretch out the D. If he shoots 38-40% from 3 Fran will be happy.
Which part is stupid? Josh maybe ending up as good as Matt? Matt being the best player on his team? Josh not being a starter? I agree with the poor sentence structure (it really hits where it hurts to be called out on it) but I don't see how any of those 3 points are stupid.

JO is a role player. Period. Comparing him to Gatens is ridiculous.
If Josh was a senior last year there is a good chance he would have had the same career as Matt. Since he is on a way more talented team he will never have that career but he might be just as talented. That's the dumbest thing you have ever read on this board? 1st time here?

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