Hawks on fire tonight

This team may be more fun than the football team just because of the good teams we're beating
I have to admit I was still expecting another meltdown with ten minutes left. This team proved to me tonight that they are a lot tougher than I gave them credit for after the clown loss. Great win tonight!
the sad part is that even if we beat Mich on Sunday, Sparty will probably still be ranked higher
I work with a Michigan State grad who's a standup guy. I gave him a bunch of crap today and told him to take it easy on us and he said he was actually kinda worried. I obviously don't follow their squad as closely as he does, but for some reason their fan base is pretty shaky on the basketball team right now. It'll be interesting talking about the game with him tomorrow since he's not a total ****** like the Clowns I work with.
Missed the game, followed it on my phone. Jok was crazy out there. How did they look overall? Good defense? Timely baskets? My wife screwed me out of the game, damn her.....
Looking forward to watching it when I get home. My special needs son was texting me the score at work but wasn't saying who was winning. I kept seeing the score every five minutes and I was thinking I sure hope that's us kicking *ss. Finally couldn't take it anymore and reluctantly googled the score..... Whoa that is us kicking *ss. :)
Looking forward to watching it when I get home. My special needs son was texting me the score at work but wasn't saying who was winning. I kept seeing the score every five minutes and I was thinking I sure hope that's us kicking *ss. Finally couldn't take it anymore and reluctantly googled the score..... Whoa that is us kicking *ss. :)

Defensive clinic by the Hawks and Uthoff added to his ridiculous block total.
NC contender is probably a little stretch, but come March they could be very dangerous

Maybe but the tournament is a weird competition and does anyone have as good as a win as this one was? I can't think of anyone who has a win that's comparable to a 17 point win at the 4th rated team in the country.
Maybe but the tournament is a weird competition and does anyone have as good as a win as this one was? I can't think of anyone who has a win that's comparable to a 17 point win at the 4th rated team in the country.

If they ranked 3 of the top 10 wind of the year so far, we might have 3 of them. I would say top 15 for sure.
Got a bad feeling Sparty's not gonna get called for any fouls here on out.

Just face it you have a real problem with how you watch BB games :). Especially this game! Iowa completely dominated this game and officiating was a complete non factor but you find yourself talking about it, why is that? A game that Iowa leads by 20 for almost the entire game. I watched the game and NOT 1 time did officiating even cross my mind, zip, zilch and nada. Seriously it was as if an official wasn't even on the court.

When you watch a game do you watch the players or the officials? :).
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