Hawks #25 in the AP

Iowa just needs to go 2-3 over the next 5 and they should be in really good shape the rest of the way. Anything better than 2-3 over the next 5 and I'd feel safe saying they're locks for the tournament.
Iowa just needs to go 2-3 over the next 5 and they should be in really good shape the rest of the way. Anything better than 2-3 over the next 5 and I'd feel safe saying they're locks for the tournament.
I would have to agree with this, that is until I recall last years late season melt down
Iowa just needs to go 2-3 over the next 5 and they should be in really good shape the rest of the way. Anything better than 2-3 over the next 5 and I'd feel safe saying they're locks for the tournament.

I just looked at Wisconsin's schedule. Their last 4 games in conference are tough - at Maryland, home to MSU, on the road for their last two at Minnesota and Ohio State. Would love to see them falter to 1-3 in that stretch.

The Hawks really need to go 1-1 vs. Wisky to get a good shot at a Top 4 finish in conference, and a decent seed in the BTT and in The Dance.
Wisconsin also moved up a spot, I believe they were previously 7th. Pretty big game tomorrow to say the least...for some reason Wisconsin opened up as a 10 point favorite. Seems pretty damn high

I don't think it's too surprising. We completely fell apart in the second half against ISU, Texas, Northern Iowa, and MSU. Wisconsin is better than any of those teams. I think we'll be right with them at the half, but have to avoid another collapse.
Sure ... and damage Iowa's s.o.s. right along with it. :rolleyes:

Don't be such a myopic homer. There's nothing more to gain from wishing losing upon the Clowns. In fact, if you know a little bit about today's game and appreciate fast-paced, athletic and talented teams, ISU is fun to watch.

Agreed, ISU being good in Bball is actually good for Hawkeye bball.

Its good to have as many strong rivals in bball as possible, they give us another good opponent and help exposure.

They basically don't even recruit the state and we rarely recruit the same players at all.

Its the opposite of football where we need their and UNIs players to be walkons here.
You all do not understand my hatred of the cyclowns, or other teams. It goes beyond sos to a deeper level where I want them to lose every game they play. They have been in my top 6 most hated list at least 1988. They get on my nerves as much ad m$u, o$u, pedo state, jNW mildcats and the MN goofers. All of whom I wish nothing but loses to.

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