Hawkeyes Beat Goofers at 1:30pm Game Thread

Congrats Megan! Quite an accomplishment! 48 points for a tourney record and a personal best and 794 points for the season so far!
I think Kathleen needs to be checked for brain damage. She got smacked a lot today. I'm still proud of this team! Never gave up and fought hard! The Hawks have surprised a lot of people this year. Nobody picked them in the top 5 in the conference. Give em hell in the NCAA Hawks!
Iowa got possession on ha live ball turnover cannot advance the ball then. Minnesota got away with a couple of fouls, but the refs had already signaled they weren't calling anything at the end of the game. If Doyle had tried to penetrate the Minnesota defense would have engulfed her in a trap. In hindsight probably should have thrown a long pass to Megan near half court and had Doyle and Meyer rub off, but that may leave you with Megan stuck out high. Minnesota played good defense most of the game against everyone except Megan. We lost this game when we brought the ball up 3 times with a 2 point lead and turned it over and only one of those was a good defensive play and we left a wide open 3 point shooter in the corner and she hit that shot. Too many turn overs by a team that should be better by now.
It’s nonsense to not call fouls just because it’s the final play. Iowa should have been shooting free throws.
Iowa got possession on ha live ball turnover cannot advance the ball then. Minnesota got away with a couple of fouls, but the refs had already signaled they weren't calling anything at the end of the game. If Doyle had tried to penetrate the Minnesota defense would have engulfed her in a trap. In hindsight probably should have thrown a long pass to Megan near half court and had Doyle and Meyer rub off, but that may leave you with Megan stuck out high. Minnesota played good defense most of the game against everyone except Megan. We lost this game when we brought the ball up 3 times with a 2 point lead and turned it over and only one of those was a good defensive play and we left a wide open 3 point shooter in the corner and she hit that shot. Too many turn overs by a team that should be better by now.
The turnovers are just unreal. What was it 3 possessions in a row and you have the lead! I just want to bang my head against a wall! I know Mac, Kathleen and Amanda are sophomores but my goodness I just can't understand why you just throw right at them. It's not like they stepped in the passing lane they were already there! Guess I need to get my shorts and sneakers on and get to practice to teach some lessons! Anybody have a whistle I can borrow! Actually since we discussed Lexie with the high dribble and stands erect while dribbling I'm shocked more teams haven't stole the ball from her every time she dribbles. I think Minnesota took it once today. I guess I didn't even pay any attention that it was a live ball turnover. Thanks hagarwood. Were they going to try a kick out to the corner or something? I'm so confused over that last play I can't even think straight! Need some ice! Scotch will help the situation! Lol
I know the better team got robbed. I like what Iowa can do in the ncaa tournament with the 5th or 6th seed.
Hoping for a 5 seed. A 6 I don't think will be good for the Hawks. We had 19 turnovers to 7 for Minnesota. This just has to stop to be a very good team.
Megan has moved into 6th. place in scoring ahead of Jennie Lillis with 1774 points. Needs just 328 points to tie Ally Disterhoft for the all time scoring leader. Ally has 2102 points. That's just mind boggling since Megan's point s are all 2 pointers or the old fashion and 1.
Another thing I will call is that next year she will hit at least one three pointer. She hit a couple long 2s this year, next year will be an open 3.
Another thing I will call is that next year she will hit at least one three pointer. She hit a couple long 2s this year, next year will be an open 3.
I think you are right about her 3 point range. Her pro career in the WNBA may depend on her developing that range. We are all disappointed that the Hawks cannot improve their focus when it comes to crunch time. We need to see e repeat of yesterday's first quarter when the game is on the line. We still have work to do. Here's Coach Bluder's chance to shine'. We lost a very very winnable game.
They lost to Minnesota?? Yikes. Unfortunately that seems to foreshadow a first round exit out of the NCAA tournament. Minnesota is garbage.
They lost to Minnesota?? Yikes. Unfortunately that seems to foreshadow a first round exit out of the NCAA tournament. Minnesota is garbage.
I will disagree with you on Minnesota is garbage. I will say we lost 2 games to them this year that we shouldn't have. These ladies are very young and need to calm down and quit being so hyper. We will not exit in the first round!
Whitney opened up a roster spot for Kathleen Doyle to sign late for the Hawkeyes. It would be hard to pick one over the other.
Whitney opened up a roster spot for Kathleen Doyle to sign late for the Hawkeyes. It would be hard to pick one over the other.
If I had to choose I'd take Doyle. I've watched Whitney play a couple of times this year and I think playing in the B1G was to much for her. She plays for Butler and is their leading scorer but she just jogs up and down the floor and stands around quite a bit. When she was here she played pretty hard and shot very well. Just my opinion.
Just to bring in some facts, Whitney was and has been a pretty ordinary shooter. This year, her best, she shot 36% from 3 [point] range. Doyle and Meyer are better guards and Meyer a better shooter. Next year we may see that Doyle is a better shooter too.