Hawkeyeinsider just tweeted ARob out for saturday

This could really be a blessing in disguise, Kirk's been real apprehensive about putting Coker out there. Now he's forced to and it's pretty good timing for this to happen. If Coker has a pretty good game I could see him getting more action when A-Rob's back. I really think A-Rob needs a series off now and then. We could end up with two RB's that actually play on the depth chart next week.
My bet is that we'll see a mix of Rogers and Coker. Also, I'd be curious about where Jason White might fit into the picture.
Marcus, here's your chance. Run hard, but above all else hang on to the effing football!
If Iowa doesn't turn it over profusely, then a win should be the result.
will Robinson be back next week? I'm ok with Robinson being out for IU and MN but OSU and NW are critical that we have him play!!!
Marcus, here's your chance. Run hard, but above all else hang on to the effing football!
If Iowa doesn't turn it over profusely, then a win should be the result.

I think this is exaclty what the coaches told him last week. He was holding onto the ball with both hands even when the defense wasn't close. May have cost him a yard or two here and there but it is much better than a turnover.
He's played in every game on ST's since Michigan.

Sorry relistened they said Paki hadn't played and White had played special teams, but were not sure if the knee was strong enough to play running back. Interesting in Howe's article said they moved Anthony Hutchins from S to RB after Jewel's injury. Wonder if he'll be in the mix.
Sorry relistened they said Paki hadn't played and White had played special teams, but were not sure if the knee was strong enough to play running back. Interesting in Howe's article said they moved Anthony Hutchins from S to RB after Jewel's injury. Wonder if he'll be in the mix.

They probably have less concern about White's knee when there aren't people trying to tackle him. :)

I really think this is a blessing in disguise. Obviously I would feel better if Iowa was at full strength every game, but this does a couple of things. It puts more on Stanzi, and I think he has positioned himself to handle all that they can give him. It also sets things up to have 3 competent backs down the stretch in Robinson, Coker, and Rogers. And lastly if Coker runs the way we think he can, it gives Iowa a power running game of 3 HBs again next year with a solid FB to carry the ball occasionally. That with the experience the line will have could make life a little easier on Vandy.
We could end up with two RB's that actually play on the depth chart next week.

Unless ARob is done for the month.

Some head injuries are serious enough to sit out weeks, not days. It appeared he also had issues with his neck when he got hurt. Not sure what that might indicate.
they said robinson was 50/50 --that means he should be fine next week (NW) and probably means he's 75-25 by this saturday, which no way in hell is it worth it play him this week--- i agree this very much is a blessing in disguise for coker and his confidence and what better team (other than MN) than IU--- even next week for NW i would think we should be ok-- look, we all (i certainley included) am freaked out about NW given the history--- but really, we should beat NW with out robinson, persa is a stud quarterback, but stanzi is heiseman caliber and can beat persa and if NW had to come down to a shoot out, i have full confidence in our pass blocking, WR and QB to win this game--- really, frankly, only OSU is the only game i'd consider CRITICAL to have robinson back, NW defense is average, not as good as Wisconsin's or Michigan state's..... we all just have a very hard time with NW with the history, and it makes sense....but i 100% believe that had stanzi not gone down last year, that game would have been won by double digits and this freak out with NW wouldn't be so intense.....

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