"Hawkeye nation I'm on my way"

I just saw it on Basabe's twitter. According to a poster on TOS, he is in town for a two-day visit right now and should be committed by the end of it.
I like that Basabe is not from a different geography than our current players. I think under the old regime kids from urban areas didn't really think Iowa was a fit for them. We seemed only to recruit kids from rural areas or suburbs. Were not a good enough program to where we simply don't recruit a certain group of kids based upon their geography. We need to be able to recruits kids from rural areas like Dubuque, suburban areas like Schaumburg and Mesa, and urban areas like NYC, Philly, and Chicago.
Come on down Melsahn! Don't mind these old farts who are afraid of technology such as twitter. Truth is, they just don't understand how it works!

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I just saw it on Basabe's twitter. According to a poster on TOS, he is in town for a two-day visit right now and should be committed by the end of it.


Rob Howe of HawkeyeInsider said that he was hearing Basabe wasn't as likely to commit as was first thought.
Rob is great, but there are others out there with differing opinions, so "WRONG!" might be a bit of a presumptuous response.
FWIW, this is from Pat Harty in today's ICPC:

"I don't think he'll commit while he is on campus," Basabe's high school coach, Dave Lubick, said Monday. "But I could see him committing to Iowa for sure."
How many visits does he have?

He just may want to use all of his visits just to be absolutely sure. That's what I would do even if I was 90+% sure of where I wanted to go.

It's quite likely he's never even been to Iowa so it would be difficult for a 17-18 year old to commit immediately despite my own biases toward the University of Iowa.

Rob Howe of HawkeyeInsider said that he was hearing Basabe wasn't as likely to commit as was first thought.

What exactly is "wrong" with what I said? Basabe DID say that on his Twitter and I did read on the other site (not from Rob, but I never said I read it from Rob) that Basabe is visiting today and tomorrow. Where am I "wrong"?

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