Hawkeye Football: Addition, Attrition & 2012 Roster

From an earlier thread, and I never finished the numbers for Purdue or Wisconsin:

Iowa (43 lost- 3 early NFL entrees)/115 offers 35%
Illinois (41 lost- 4 early NFL entrees)/124 offers 30%
Indiana (35 lost- 1 early NFL entry)/108 offers 31.5%
Michigan (40 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/114 offers 35%
Michigan State (28 lost- 2 early NFL entrees)/110 offers 23.5%
Minnesota (45 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/125 36%
Nebraska (28 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/117 24%
Northwestern(9 lost- 0 early NFL entry)/91 10%
Ohio State (23 lost- 1 early NFL entry)/103 22%
Penn State (12 lost- 1 early NFL entry/97 11%

Jon also your 2010 list is missing Austin Gray and Donovan Johnson
What is the correlation between the number of in-state commits versus out-of state commits? From this list it appears teams that land the most in-state talent have the lower attrition rates. Also, the "namebrand" programs have a lower attrition rate. Michigan seems to be the exception, but turmoil in the program might explain a lot.
I do believe some of the defensive line attrition Iowa has seen in recent years is attributable to Rick Kascenski's 'in your face' style. He left the Iowa program in December and is now with Nebraska. /QUOTE]

This is football not paddy-Cakes.

Coach K has been coaching the DL since 2007, the fact is the DL hasn't been an issue at all until recently. So now we going to toss this out and see if it can stick. Just not buying it!
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