Hate to say this again but we could be better and win less games


Well-Known Member
With the brutal schedule and the amount of close games last year I could see this happening. Have not been this nervous for a season in along time.
But then again we were really close to being 13-0. That, my friend, is why they play the games. One thing that I am fairly confident is that Iowa will have close games that shouldn't be close and hopefully they pull them out.
just about every season ,and every game, there are 5-10 plays that are either made,or not made ,that decide the outcome.
Better decision making from a senior QB could make those "close" games, not so close this season. I hope I'm right...

But I could be wrong...

Ah hell, I'm never wrong!

Totally agree with the OP. I try not to have the highest expectations going into the season (I do like kool-aid, but not as much as some of you guys ;)) so I'm not too let down by the end of it. I think best case scenario we're looking at 2 losses and worst case probably 4 (I hope). Really depends on the development of the O-line (like everyone already knows) and how the new LB's gel (which I have total confidence in-especially when we're probably going to have 2 seniors and a junior starting).
Guys, when in the history of the Ferentz regime regressed under the tutelage of our award-winning QB coach? NEVER! 13-0 with a national title. The D will be sick and O'Keefe's offense will be so potent that Barta will need to get out the checkbook if he wants to keep O'Keefe from landing a head coaching job.
Guys, when in the history of the Ferentz regime regressed under the tutelage of our award-winning QB coach? NEVER! 13-0 with a national title. The D will be sick and O'Keefe's offense will be so potent that Barta will need to get out the checkbook if he wants to keep O'Keefe from landing a head coaching job.

But then again we were really close to being 13-0. That, my friend, is why they play the games. One thing that I am fairly confident is that Iowa will have close games that shouldn't be close and hopefully they pull them out.

You boys are the optimists, the cheerleaders. I'm with ya. One hell of a year on the horizon. Buckle your *** and hold on to your sandwich!
The one thing that makes me nervous is the last time they replaced this many starters on the offensive line they struggled to 6-6 the next year. This team is way to talented to drop to 6-6 but replacing 4 starters is a concern.

Forget the NC game, can we just get back to the Rose Bowl?
Nobody is ever better by losing more games. Never, ever, ever, never, ever better. That is Louzer mentality. People that believe you're better even if you lose more games buy into the 'best 3 - 3 team in the country' mantra that we heard two years ago. I'm sorry, people that believe that crap like participation medals for their kids. Winning less NEVER translates to better.
Nobody is ever better by losing more games. Never, ever, ever, never, ever better. That is Louzer mentality. People that believe you're better even if you lose more games buy into the 'best 3 - 3 team in the country' mantra that we heard two years ago. I'm sorry, people that believe that crap like participation medals for their kids. Winning less NEVER translates to better.

While saying "you're only as good as your record" is true, a team can be better in terms of talent and not win as many games as the previous season's team due to a number of reasons. It's not "loser mentality" and has absolutely nothing to do with participation trophies...it's just how it goes sometimes. But don't get me wrong...if this year's team goes 9-4, noone's going to claim it's one of the best teams of all-time...
Nobody is ever better by losing more games. Never, ever, ever, never, ever better. That is Louzer mentality. People that believe you're better even if you lose more games buy into the 'best 3 - 3 team in the country' mantra that we heard two years ago. I'm sorry, people that believe that crap like participation medals for their kids. Winning less NEVER translates to better.

Right.....for argument's sake, let's say that Iowa began the year ranked #11. They then played each of the 10 teams ahead of them, and lost by 1 point each time. They then play the #12 team, and win. Sure they're 1-10, but does that mean they aren't the 11th best team in the country?
The schedule is easier in 10' than it was last yr. Last yr was murderers row of road games. They all have to play here in 2010.
If we get some bad breaks on the injury front, we may not win 11 games. I'll go that far.
How about Iowa just win more games by 20+ points and eliminate the close games.

In all seriousness, I would like to see Iowa learn to put a lesser opponent away.
How about Iowa just win more games by 20+ points and eliminate the close games.

In all seriousness, I would like to see Iowa learn to put a lesser opponent away.

I dont know, last year was a lot of fun. Pure, heart stopping, nail chewing, hair pulling fun.
If Iowa can use all of the weapons that it appears they have, they should easily score 30+ per game and give up 15 or less...close games shouldn't factor in, IF everything comes together like it appears that it should...

Come on O-line..GEL! GEL DAMN YOU!!!

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