Has Forbes' Interest...


Well-Known Member
Actually kept us from getting Pearl. With Forbes telling everyone that will listen that this is his dream job kept Bruce from wanting to get in the way of his friend. If Pearl didn't not know Forbes do you think he would have taken the job???

At this point I am in favor or Forbes, just wondering?????
Actually kept us from getting Pearl. With Forbes telling everyone that will listen that this is his dream job kept Bruce from wanting to get in the way of his friend. If Pearl didn't not know Forbes do you think he would have taken the job???

At this point I am in favor or Forbes, just wondering?????

Bruce Pearl isn't leaving UT to coach Iowa.

Actually kept us from getting Pearl. With Forbes telling everyone that will listen that this is his dream job kept Bruce from wanting to get in the way of his friend. If Pearl didn't not know Forbes do you think he would have taken the job???

At this point I am in favor or Forbes, just wondering?????

cmon dude. Use a little common sense. Forbes campaigning for the job would only happen if Pearl wasnt interested. That fact makes it even more amazing the number of people who still hold out hope Pearl is coming
It's not like the UT staff didn't talk when the job came open. Forbes didn't go campaigning for the job until he knew Pearl didn't want it.

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