Happy for Gatens


I can't remember the last time I was just so happy for an individual Hawkeye player than I was for Gatens when he was popping those 3's. At that point the game was out of hand, but I found myself cheering as much for that next shot to go in as I have in close games.

Glad to see him get the recognition.

Well played Mr. Gatens, well played.
Gatens has taken his game to a new level both on the floor and in the huddle. He is getting into guys and imploring them to suck it up and compete with more passion. I wish we had that "one extra" player this year because I think we would definitely be an NIT team. Even if we had a more consistent Basabe, I think this would have 2-3 more wins at least.

I hope the team can win a couple more games and get Gatens to the NIT.