Hampton Facebook post


Well-Known Member
"It shld b illegal to be in this much pain nd sorrow!!!"

I'm sure it stinks to be knocked out a second season with injury and would imagine he is in some physical pain. Sounds like the young man needs some Hawkeye love.
"It shld b illegal to be in this much pain nd sorrow!!!"

I'm sure it stinks to be knocked out a second season with injury and would imagine he is in some physical pain. Sounds like the young man needs some Hawkeye love.

I'm sure he's about as emotionally down as he can be right now. But, he can come back as strong next year as ever. It would be nice if this thread could carry the well wishes of us all and sent to him to let him know us Hawk fans are behind him 100%.

Jewell - love to watch you run, and I know you'll be doing it with gusto next year. You've got the whole Hawkeyenation behind you. Keep the faith and we'll see you back in the black and gold in 2011. It will happen!
I had the great pleasure of meeting some of Jewel's family at the Indiana game two years ago in Bloomington. I was so happy for them and for Jewel. They were and I am sure still are very proud of him. The smiles on their faces said it all. If by some chance Jewel ever gets to this board and reads these posts; Jewel, you WILL be back. Better days are ahead of you no matter what. Just know that there are a lot of people out here that are praying for you and support you no matter what. GO HAWKS!!!
Jewel...go spend some time with the kids in the children's cancer wing and you'll not only find out that you don't have it so bad, but those awesome tykes will have you smiling and laughing again in no time!

Get well soon and we're all behind you! ON IOWA! Go Hawks!
Jewel...go spend some time with the kids in the children's cancer wing and you'll not only find out that you don't have it so bad, but those awesome tykes will have you smiling and laughing again in no time!

Get well soon and we're all behind you! ON IOWA! Go Hawks!

+1. Spending time with those kids as part of Dance Marathon was the highlight of my time at Iowa.
While it isn't the same,keep thinking Greene.There is plenty of time to come back. Get your head right and bust your ***! You have amazing talent so stay focused
Hey Jewel, just think of what a great feeling it will be when you rattle of back to back 1,000 yard seasons, play in two great bowl games, and make 1st team All Big Ten! It'll be all that much more sweeter for what you'll have done to get there!
Can we please stop stalking FaceBook pages of players?!

Here's a clue:

--If you personally KNOW someone, it's cool to check their FB page
--If you are roughly the same age as someone you don't know, it's cool to check their FB page
--If you are a grown adult and don't know someone, it's not only "not cool" to check their FB page, it's creepy.

Last thought: If you were born after 1955 and have ever accepted money for playing the accordion in public, you're one step above those checking each and every Hawkeye player's FB page. But at least you're not creepy...
Can we please stop stalking FaceBook pages of players?!

Here's a clue:

--If you personally KNOW someone, it's cool to check their FB page
--If you are roughly the same age as someone you don't know, it's cool to check their FB page
--If you are a grown adult and don't know someone, it's not only "not cool" to check their FB page, it's creepy.

Last thought: If you were born after 1955 and have ever accepted money for playing the accordion in public, you're one step above those checking each and every Hawkeye player's FB page. But at least you're not creepy...

Okay, I'm covered (current student at Iowa). When I graduate, no more creeping lol.
Okay, I'm covered (current student at Iowa). When I graduate, no more creeping lol.

The OP may, too, be covered. But as the father of a female college student, it creeps me seeing all the "adults" that scour FB pages of kids her age, male or female.

That said, I guess that's what it's for, to "connect".
Can we please stop stalking FaceBook pages of players?!

Here's a clue:

--If you personally KNOW someone, it's cool to check their FB page
--If you are roughly the same age as someone you don't know, it's cool to check their FB page
--If you are a grown adult and don't know someone, it's not only "not cool" to check their FB page, it's creepy.

Last thought: If you were born after 1955 and have ever accepted money for playing the accordion in public, you're one step above those checking each and every Hawkeye player's FB page. But at least you're not creepy...

Considering there is 500 million individuals world wide on FB of all ages corresponding and keeping up to date with all ages clearly you have know clue about FB.

If Jewel wanted no one but friends to read his posts he knows like everyone else on FB that all you do is set your profile to private. Clearly like DJK he wants the public to know what he's feeling.
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Considering there is 500 million individuals world wide on FB of all ages corresponding and keeping up to date with all ages clearly you have know clue about FB.

If Jewel wanted no one but friends to read his posts he knows like everyone else on FB that all you do is set your profile to private. Clearly like DJK he wants the public to know what he's feeling.


It is not like people on here are searching for your daughter's page and trying to look at her profile... they are looking at information that is made public by players on OUR football team that we care about. I'm personally not friends with any of the football players or people I don't know, but I do look at DJK's fansite and I don't think it is THAT wrong or creepy to check up on how someone is doing if they obviously don't mind people they don't know seeing it.
Personally, I think Facebook jumped the shark when my aunts started trying to be my friend. Maybe I am too cool for the room, but I started using it in 2005, back when it was for college students only, and I preferred it that way. Back then, Myspace was the loser hang out for Tweens and adults with boring lives and/or furry fetishes. Now, they have all joined Facebook.

It's just too overwhelming. There are more people who I want to avoid than I want to keep in touch with, so I pretty much gave up on Facebook. Then again, I have a patholigical aversion to the minutiae of other people's lives. My baby sister/roomate, however, can spend hours looking at pictures of the cats of her casual acquantancies.

Diff'rent strokes I suppose.

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