

Well-Known Member
Gregory has head coaching experience with some sucess. Forbes is an incredible recruiter that really wants to be at Iowa.

If Gregory ends up being the guy it might be worth some coin to pay Forbes more than he's making at Tennessee and bring him in as an assistant and the lead recruiter. Let's see if he really does love the Hawks and would like a pay raise.

We can have our cake and eat it too. Gregory and Forbes would have to meet...strongly encouraged by Barta...and see if they could work together, think alike, etc. With Forbes being such a great recruiter he should be able to sell himself to Gregory as a viable assistant. If necessary he could meet Gregory's mom to get her on his side.

It's just a thought. I know there are some wrinkles/barriers but Barta is the boss and has some input to help facilitate this...relationship. I could certainly live with it. The same would be true of any other potential head coach candidate. Steal Forbes for recruiting. Thoughts?
I think I like it. Obviously it's a little out there and might be hard to pull off, but I like the sounds of this.
It just doesn't seem to follow the Lateral Move theorem. You have Gregory, potentially making an Upgrade as HC from Dayton to Iowa -- Cost probably somewhere between 1.5 & 1.7 million. You try to lure Forbes who has HC dreams at Iowa. What cost then to bring him on a lateral move? $500K? Maybe we would pay a premier assistant that much, but now we have a total commitment of $2 - 2.2 million on 2 guys who are NOT the Pearl/Dixons of the world.

Ok, so on the flip side, we have Forbes going to HC at Iowa. Could probably get him easily for $1.2 million (same as Lick). Now if we factor in $500K for a Top-Freak Assistant, we have $1.7 million in -- $300-500K saved from the scenario above which could EASILY hire 2 more good assistants.

If we were going to get Forbes in any capacity, it would need to be HC.
I'd be all for it. I actually think it could happen too. Think about it for Forbes: getting a pay raise, going to the team you want, if Gregory fails you have a good chance at stepping in next. The only negative I can think of is leaving a very good team behind. If he is really wanting the Iowa job, I think he could do it, but in the end I don't think it'll happen.
If Barta isn"t smart enough to hire Forbes as head coach he won't be smart enough to hire him as an assistant either
Coming to Iowa as an asst would not be a good career move for Forbes.

Have to agree. Not sure why Forbes would leave a great situation with Bruce Pearl and Tennessee to be an assistant elsewhere.. This seems like a stretch. I know he loves Iowa, but not sure if he'd go for that..
I think all of these responses are valid. One point I wish to make. It may be a lateral move for Forbes but he seems to want to be at/in Iowa. He isn't on the list for any head coaching positions...that I've seen. He may just be an Iowa guy that wants to come home and coming as head coach of the Hawkeyes was the perfect storm.

I agree with those that don't see it happening but I sure do like the scenario if it's possible. Even if Barta isn't interested in this move our new head coach may be. Who's to say Forbes won't reach out to that individual about a position on the staff.
Coming to Iowa as an asst would not be a good career move for Forbes.

And this.

The HC needs to hire his own staff, you don't want the AD telling you who your assistants will be, you need good chemistry to have a successful coaching staff.
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