Greg Davis to resign at end of year

1) does anyone have any good insight whether this is true or not? (Hoping it is).

2) high octane offense is nice but kf has built his staple on ball control and defense. Even in the pros the teams with high octane offenses tend to have struggling defenses because they are on the field so much. Then you have to play risk/reward defense and try to turn the ball over more.

3) maybe we could find some happy medium to have better ball control and still put up more points. Because our defense and ball control offense have been on the decline. I don't think you have to go spread. Pro-style offense can still put up points if run correctly.

4) take what we do and put some twists into it. Instead of I formation with twins on one side, maybe stack the receivers to get an easier release. Tweaks of this nature could help. Use bunch formations that allow for receivers to get open quicker. These can be used in pro-style offenses.

5) do we need a dual threat qb? No but that doesn't mean we can't get one. I find it funny that everyone wants to jump on the new in thing all the time until there is a new new thing. The pistol offense took people by storm the spread option...and so on. Everything is a new version of an old thing. Instead of copying we should look to young hungry guys that want to reinvent what we are good at. That is what the great coaches do they reinvent they don't copy. Look at the redskins with rg3. He is a pro-style qb that can run so the build around that and roll him and use pistol formations to get him into better situations with his feet. But their schemes are still zone blocking under a pro-style system.
The shame of it is that KF will not be riding into the sunset with him. What a joy it would be to get new blood into this proud program
This is the best post I have read period! I am with you on this red hawk. Most of what gets posted only offers criticism with little if any positive or constructive thought. How any of the negative, armchair quarterbacking, cowards that want to point the finger at coaching, player performance, and/or play calling can call themselves hawkeye fans is sad. GO HAWKS!
Hearing lots of rumblings from those i know close to the program that Davis will be resigning at the end of the year. From what I've heard, he realized fairly early on that he didnt have the passion he needed to do the job.

Take it for what its worth.

Ferentz needs to go with him! this was horrible and i see NO improvement in sight. The offense is an absolute joke!
"It's not nearly as stupid as the poor ignorant morons that think FINALLY, after 14 long painful years of crappy offense under the KF regime."

These horrible, crappy, painful years produced four top ten finishes, a couple BigTen championships, an Orange Bowl win, a significant streak of New Years Day bowl games and several significant winning streaks over traditional BigTen powers Michigan & Penn State. Who's the ignorant moron??

Enlighten us, exactly what offensive scheme do you propose Iowa run? Keep in mind a few simple football factors:
1)Talent and personnel dictate what style of offense a team can successfully run.
2)Iowa plays in the BigTen conference. Any scheme we run must be successful against BigTen teams.
3)Cold weather, small in-state talent pool, small media market, lack of national exposure, academic requirements do effect Iowa's recruiting.
4)Iowa has been able to consistently attract & develop big strong offensive linemen and turn them into NFL talent - a recruiting strength.
So, tell us what will or man blocking/triple option/run and shoot/spread-option/no-huddle/I-formation/wing T/wishbone/pro set...etc. Are you a Hawk fan offering constructive criticism and discussing solutions or just a total negative As%$hole with nothing intelligent to say?

This is the best post I have read period! I am with you on this red hawk. Most of what gets posted only offers criticism with little if any positive or constructive thought. How any of the negative, armchair quarterbacking, cowards that want to point the finger at coaching, player performance, and/or play calling can call themselves hawkeye fans is sad. GO HAWKS!
This is the best post I have read period! I am with you on this red hawk. Most of what gets posted only offers criticism with little if any positive or constructive thought. How any of the negative, armchair quarterbacking, cowards that want to point the finger at coaching, player performance, and/or play calling can call themselves hawkeye fans is sad. GO HAWKS!

I think most people here just assume everyone can see the deficiencies of the team, and don't have to reiterate the obvious. These aren't huge complex things to fix. At most schools these are just parts of the game that are taken in confidence from a division 1 coaching staff.
well, let's keep our fingers crossed. today sure was terrible. wind at our back with the game on the line and run the most conservative O in college football today.

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