Great job!


Hats off to the fellas feeding us the videos from Michigan, as well as all of the contributions by everyone here on the board.

The wrestling community is truly special, unlike any other sport IMO.

Just got done watching several of the matches, and thanks for taking time away from your enjoyment of the matches to share this with all of us.
I second that. Truly awesome. I can't believe you could maintain your compsure while filming during some of those matches (Dennis's match against Gomez in particular). If that was me you would have heard a lot of screaming and the camera pointed at the ceiling.
Very much enjoyed the coverage! Getting updates via twitter was useful too... Appreciate everyone’s contribution...
The heated word exchange between Brands and Cael was incredible. I've never seen Cael so upset, although I'm not sure what about since it was the Iowa wrestler who received the late hit after the whistle. I thought the coaches were going to scrap right there on the mat. They were forehead to forehead. Brands was right to be upset as Erekson got hit around the knees and went down with a pained look on his face.

I was surprised by how much junk the officials let go both on and off the mat. I haven't seen any video, but Sponseller's win over M* is a case in point. Sponseller leaned into M* and screamed in his face after the win. Very poor sportsmanship. Their fans are just as bad, yelling profanities throughout the matches. I knew tOSU hated Iowa from what I read on the blogs, but I didn't realize how bad it was until I saw it in person. My daughter had the misfortune of standing behind the tOSU section during the 165 match and she now has a healthy dislike for all things tOSU.

The most incredible match was Dennis'. We were all standing, jumping, screaming at the end. I thought Dennis got the reversal to win 6-4, but apparently that happened after the clock ran out. I didn't know how he won (locked hands) until I got home and looked up the score. We screamed so loud our throats hurt. My daughter told me, "Dad, now I know why you like wrestling."

Can't wait for some great matches today (McD - Escobedo, Dennis - Ness, Keddy - Dergo, Erekson - Everhart)! OBTW, Graff had Ness beat. It was 2-2 in the 3rd and Graff had RT. Graff chose both up and gave up a 5 point move to lose the match
Yep, good job guys! Great videos! With as good as youv'e done with so little to work with, it makes you wonder how come the BTN can't do better at their own tournament.
I know that Fulsaasfan, Tobini and myself appreciate all the comments. We are glad to provide as much content as possible to all you guys and we will be putting up the Keddy, and yes the infamous Erekson-Wade match. Before you all ask, yes the Brands-Cael altercation is on there!
Yes, thanks a bunch. Love listening to it on the radio but it so much better seeing the actually video of it. Although it does make me even more jealous that I couldn't be there.
Thanks also for the videos and coverage! This is great! My uncle is over in Afghanistan tuning in on the website on his down time to keep up to date so on behalf of him as well, THANK YOU!!

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