Great defense by ISU at the end

Clones played it about as well as they could've. Cracka' made the shot. Props to him. Watcha gonna do?
I would take him on our team, any day.
He's my new hero..

Would I take him? Absolutely. He rarely gets called for the fouls he commits, so absolutely he's an asset. But let's not pretend that getting away with fouling all the time because of a reputation is the same thing as being a great defender.
Absolutely 100% agree. Craft plays defense with his hands, not his feet and legs. He's not a good shooter either. I still can't believe he drilled that shot.

I am not sure what games you guys watch but you are flat out wrong. He has great footwork. He stays in front of everyone and moves laterally better than any guard in the B1G or anyone in the country. And yes, he does play defense with his hands. His hands are insanely quick. He anticipates passes and steals the ball all the time when people put the ball on the deck. Being a Hawks fan I cannot stand Craft but I sure as hell respect him.
He'd be far and away the Iowa fans' favorite player if he was a Hawkeye. Plays his guts out every minute, great defender, team leader, and breaks the defense down with dribble drives.

Mateen Cleaves (sp?) wasn't a good shooter either but he hit big shots in big moments. Great players tend to do that.

Craft is not a great player. Cleaves was a great college player. Wide gulf there bud.
Bring Craft on, next year, in Carver. Send him out with a booty whoopin
As I recall the one time they played Iowa this year, he looked like horse manure, turned the ball over a lot.
If Mike Gesell turns out to be anything like Craft, we'll all love him.

I do get a kick out of some folks saying the shot was luck. That was a cold-blooded a shot as you'll ever see. What happened against Iowa in Madison at the end of regulation was luck.

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